Philosophy Cat

Or indentured servitude. Last week Dear Prudie got a letter from a woman saying she and her husband didn’t want kids, but should they at least have one so someone would take care of her (she was younger than the husband) in her old age. All I could think was “You don’t read nearly enough advice columns or you’d see

He will grow up in Portland, so it’s not entirely unlikely.

That poor kid and his poor sisters, who were basically just told via major news outlets that they’re not good enough.

Oh shoot. I was not aware of that particular predilection. Agnes McPhail is it!

So did I, but I also nominated Agnes McPhail since she was the first woman in the House of Commons - seems right to have the first female politician on the money since all the others are of a political nature as well.

also, i LOVE sophie’s dress in this photo—the blue and gold lace, stunning.

your comment made me think of this picture (taken for when they were in vogue magazine last month or whenever it was):

#1 that gif is scary AF and B- I kind of want to go on the rebel media page just to watch everyone losing their shit over the ‘selfie taking pretty boy PM’. Bonus points for anyone saying he needs a grown up.

Kill it with fire!

Lookin’ like an executive branch of DREAMBOATS up in there. Sweet Salami, can we say elegance. I can’t even think about drones.

I like the colors, too. They’d look good on me. And it was from a Canadian designer. But Michelle’s dress is flawless.

She really is the most gorge first lady ever. I see as having icon status like Jackie O.

Justin: Dude, that Republican field, man!

Or void of a soul?

I thought you meant “something vaguely bathrobe-esque” but I looked at the pic and nooope, that is a fucking bathrobe that someone attacked with scissors when they realised it needed to look a bit less like a bathrobe. So now it looks like a bathrobe styled by an angry falcon, which is not a huge improvement.

Colors=good. Beading placement & accessories=misguided.

Sadly, Jack Layton was so ill by then he probably never would have made it to the state dinner even if he had been elected.

Best looking first lady ever, right?

But what if one of them WANTS to be in politics? I mean, it’s not terrible to think of young people wanting to have a voice and change things, breaking new barriers as their father did. One can have a normal life and still be a politician or a lawyer or an activist.

Michelle looks stunning. I love her hair loose with that neckline.