Philosophy Cat

Right? I would have been REAL PISSED.

Cute, but he stole her thunder. I don’t know if I’d have been okay with him stealing my shine with a proposal. But she loves him I guess.

If Howie was going to go that route, he should have started with a couple of non-TS jokes and then gone full throttle with it:
“Welcome ladies & gentleman. Tonight we are here to honor Calvin Harris with the Future Icon Award at Caesar’s Palace. Calvin Harris? Man, that name is just too plain for Hollywood. Couldn’t

I think that promiscuity is actually a fairly common coping mechanism for sexual assault victims...

Wait! I’m confused: I thought Amber was a Machiavellian gold-digger, whose assault allegations are purely a ploy aimed at getting the maximum possible divorce settlement. If that’s the case, wouldn’t she want Alice Through the Looking Glass to be a huge success, so she gets even more lovely lovely monies? Or did her

It's like he hired Steven Tyler as his stylist.

No - she wants spousal support (which is a monthly check). So 50K every month. That seems ridiculous to me.

It’s depressing to see people doggedly defending Depp everywhere online but no one should be surprised. The reaction to the much, much more violent pictures of Rihanna amongst Chris Brown’s fans was similar. I think a lot of people cling to their initial assessment of someone because the idea that they made a gross

Oh my goodness. Genuinely, that is real romance. I melted a little. I don't have a long list of requirements in a partner but kindness is number one and that is demonstrably kind.

it wasn’t so long ago when this outfit was considered shockingly indecent

Generally, people who make grand, expensive gestures are the worst at actually doing the hard, unglamorous work of making a relationship work.

I get that, but no matter how obvious that may be to us, she’s very young and may not be the brightest bulb. When I was young, I believed men who told me I was special and the one they could be ‘different’ for. Frankly, I’ve fallen for that junk as an adult. Lying just seems so stupid to me. I can never believe

So it’s not cool to body shame heavy women but totally okay to do it to slender ones? Lame.

Oh! You should know, I was too hasty there - I wrote to ask I+W which ones are 100% cotton and about customizing length, and they replied with two models (the Imogene being one) and said that when you’re checking out, then the option appears to customize the length. So you gave me totally the right information, I was

I know right? It’s insane. I’m going to be in Victoria as well on this trip, and their hostels are $50/night for two. The difference between a tourist town and one that’s not so much, I guess?

We age super well. There’s that. Oh, and we’re like, naturally cool and creative, as evidenced by most of American culture being based off of stuff we make up. Every type of American music style, for instance.

That first one is awwwwesome

I love this collared, scalloped neoprene top with a cute Peter Pan collar; it feels very springy,

I’m sure it’s on the whole much better in Canada. ;) But I also don’t put it past Alberta to have a few bigots of its own...

You must agree though that some mental illnesses are more severe than others. An eating disorder is a mental illness but not one that would cause a person to commit murder but I can see how something like schizophrenia could. So what percentage of Americans have a mental disorder that would increase the likelihood of