
Thank you. I haven't felt very brave in any part of my journey with this - because it is incredibly scary and life-changing - so my sympathies to you (and all of us) struggling with this decision and its implications. Big internet hugs and good luck!

I've started the process of figuring my way through it and concrete answers are thin on the ground IMHO. Insurance companies seem to be very confused, in part because a lot of screening in particular is now covered by the ACA/Obamacare provisions and they still haven't caught everyone in the ranks up. (If you can

I didn't realize that Northwestern was doing the fallopian tube removal — my counselor said it was a Canadian thing that hasn't necessarily crossed the border in a lot of high risk programs in the states yet. But very good to know!

I just underwent testing and found out I was BRCA1 positive. As I have just been through the counseling, it's fresh in my head. There is a federal law in the US (GINA) that states that your doctors, insurance companies, and your employers can't treat you differently/discriminate against you because of your genetic

Very true! Mine will consent to a boost upon occasion, but other than that, it's very "Bitch, if I need you, I will bark and nudge you again. Now watch as I go forth to smite the pillows on this bed."

Oh, to be a witness if this is an outdoor wedding. Six corgis on high alert for leaves rustling, passing cars, birds, people in the audience shifting in their seats/breathing... not to mention if they think their new comrades (both dogs and wedding party) aren't falling in line/paying attention to them.

As an owner of an almost 2 year old corgi... I do not think she has thought this one through. Like, my dog is still pretty trim for a puppy and she's a hefty 25 lbs (at least) of doggie muscle and slobber and fluff — significantly heavier and messier than a bouquet of flowers. Are her bridesmaids weight-lifters that

I've found that it is amazing as an overnight foot lotion. All over feet and toes, slip some socks on, and in the morning, soft feet! Totally saved them over this very cold, long winter.

You are not alone. I swear, I need a support group for the stress of being a single woman in my 30s looking for real estate. It's so hard not to feel resentment - which is ridiculous and unfair - but who said feelings made sense? It's like, I could rationalize it when it was younger couples (oh, the security of two

Never in my life have I been so cognizant of the wage gap than when I started looking at buying a home as a single lady - makes me want to weep. I'm lucky to have stable income period, but to try finding safe, affordable, housing with parking in my price range? It's like searching for a specific needle in a haystack

Wow yes - are you me? At my old job, I was literally accused of being a secret Mormon because I have a habit of wearing knee length skirts to the office. Skirt-wearing, it's not just for the religious? I wear them because they're pretty, and they make me feel pretty when they swish niftily. I've actually had more

As someone who worked in an all-girls high school, yes, I can tell you that they are just as toxic. Any environment that is exclusive will be, whether it's exclusive based on gender, or class, or zip code. That said, I think a lot of toxicity I witnessed had to do with the overwhelming privilege of the students (very

IMHO, a lot comes down to the culture of the specific job. I mean, in the military, it's a male dominated space that is specifically designed to award aggressive behavior.

I turned 30 last year with not a little amount of anxiety. I wouldn't say that I fettered away my 20s, but my life is different, and not just due to age.

I find it really interesting that the "poor us" fundraising folks of the Catholic Church can somehow raise all this money for lawyers on frivolous lawsuits, when every week they're knocking down people's doors for money for the care of elderly clergy, money to refill the coffers after settling all those child abuse

I don't think that personal finance is something that most people are ultra-confident in- just because so much of it is bogged down by barriers of language (all that jargon is difficult to decipher when that's not something you hear everyday). I never assumed some of the patronizing I received was due to gender, but

- "Reaganing" - especially for Jack faking Tracy's voice while Tracy chewed jelly beans.

I saw it (liked it a lot, came out with a lot of interesting things to think about, don't feel the need to ever see it again though). There are scenes of torture -in fact, that is the first scene of the movie. While no one loses an extremity and it is practically blood free, it is meant to be thoroughly discomfiting,

That is such a brilliant idea - I'd watch that revised show!!

OMG, yes! Such a guilty pleasure of mine! I mean, it was so ridiculous, but such a good time. I think part of why I adored it was that it never took its melodrama too seriously (Grey's, I'm giving you the side-eye so hard right now), but always evened itself out with a "Shut up, Nick Lachey!" or other. At its heart,