
Yes, Craig Ferguson deserves more love! I think he's one of the best talk show interviewers out there - he's thoughtful, not overly pandering, and he genuinely seems interested in having a conversation about stuff other than whatever his guest is shilling.

From someone who used to work in a private, Catholic, all-girls school where abstinence-only health class was all the rage... It's very difficult for teachers to keep up with the social media stuff. Obviously, every school is different - some older teachers can be whip-smart with the internet and some younger ones can

I know those feels. What's worse is when the older female matriarchs maintain the nonsense "tradition" at all costs - my dad is a pretty awesome guy who never understood the strict gender lines drawn when his inlaws hosted holidays. He will still occasionally make the attempt to help with the bigger platters and

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Or just make bullets super expensive, a la Chris Rock?

I can't speak for culture in general but in my Polish-Catholic family, oh holy shit do the boys get preferential treatment. (I should note that my parents are lovely, very fair, and treated me and my only sibling as equal as possible. My observations are from grandparents, aunts, uncles etc. ) My younger brother

I keep going back to a statement Al Sharpton made right after the debate. He thought that clearly Obama's strategy was the 'rope-a-dope'- because Romney apparently forgot that everything he said within the debate was in direct contradiction to everything he's said for years through his campaigning. Basically, that

Art history nerd and former conservation intern: It may not be fixable, which is the tragedy of Giminez's good intentions. Modern conservationists have very strict rules about what they can and cannot do to alter an original and what materials they can and cannot use to alter it mostly because a) the chemistry of the

I have given up religion entirely (unless we count science. I'd pay due deference to Neil DeGrasse Tyson any day of the week and twice on Sundays) but my mother finds some aspects of her faith comforting still, i.e. the love thy neighbor and importance of charity, tolerance and goodwill towards others that they teach

Not to mention those religious people who are pro-war. I once heard a pastor back in 2008 say during his homily that if you voted for Kerry, you were a bad Catholic who was going to let the terrorists win. Never went back there. Oh, and that pastor? No longer a pastor because of charges of inappropriate conduct with

My mother, who is made of awesome, always used to get rage-y on Respect Life Sunday at (Catholic) church and her refrain after mass every year was the same: "When those old white priests adopt 10 children of color born to drug addicts who couldn't get access to abortions or proper health care or any kind of personal

Actually, when I used to work at a high school, some students enlightened me that the "bases" had changed so that oral sex was 2nd and anal was 3rd, so they could fool around all they wanted to, but so long as P never entered V, they stayed virgins, true to their abstinence-only Catholic education. Jesus for everyone!

I hope those hotels have an industrial strength sewer system for when the re-enacting of the tampon scene starts clogging toilets in all the special rooms. #justsayin

"The new system improperly uses public school funding for vouchers to pay tuition to private schools, including those run by religious groups, according to the lawsuit.The new system also subsidizes home schooling, on-line courses, charter schools not affiliated with local public schools, and college tuition for early

I can see both sides, honestly. I was raised Catholic, grew up in a liberal-ish church with a pastor who only got zealous in the pulpit when it was a game Sunday and he made apologies while zipping through a sermon. Then when I was in college, the Catholic Church on campus actually celebrated Gay Pride Day, which was

Barbara DeCesare's poem "Dream House" (from []+decesare+jigsaweyesore&tag=gmgamzn-20 ) FTW.

You win at life! :)

I recently switched jobs, and I now work in an very male-dominated office for the first time. It was an interesting transition. Mostly I've been calling it "My Seventeen Dads" because I really think that my relationship with the majority of the guys isn't so much similar to how they treat their wives, but how they


I've had the question asked of me on multiple first dates and I've never not found the answering of it uncomfortable on some level. Mostly because I can never settle on a good way to address it without major awkwardness: do you make a joke out of it (which, is usually unequivocally lame), do you jump into A Telling Of

IMHO the "why are you not married?" question is never as difficult as the first-date gem, "so why/how are you single?" Similar justification patterns, but the latter never fails to set my teeth on edge in a way the former never does.