Miles Teg

Well it’s a good thing Biden hasn’t reversed Trump’s imposition of new sanctions against Cuba.

I’m still using a Galaxy S8+. Works fine. I’ve considered upgrading to a 5G phone, but I live literally just 100 yards outside of T-mobile’s 5G coverage and they have no plans to expand towards my house.

As bad as things look, they're as good as they will ever be again. 

There are a number of experimental farms in Southern Greenland. They probably enjoyed the rain. 

Greenland had a thin band of coastal forests along its southern tip before the Norse showed up. The Norse cutdown all the trees and the top soil washed into the sea, which caused the Norse colony to collapse. There is still one heavily forested valley left on Greenland. 

Carbon-free steel.  So, they made iron?

Here's a bigger problem: if the planet's gravity is cancelled, what is going to keep the vehicle moving along with the planet's surface? 

So OnlyFans will be out of business in six months.

That’s the first corvette I’d consider buying.

Why is anyone taking Artemis seriously? NASA does not have enough funding to make it to the Moon and it is politically impossible to get it. Pence was just looking for an excuse to do what Republicans have wanted for decades, abolish NASA. 

Now playing

I rather like the computer tech in the Buick Riviera.

Doesn’t Ben Tamalion write for the New York Times or the Intercept?

Launching is an optional extra that NASA didn’t know they had to pay for.

Nitrogen is element #7, oxygen is #8. Nitrogen atoms are smaller than oxygen atoms, so shouldn’t they leak faster?

Florida. I spent six years there for college, and still have mild PTSD about elderly and drunk drivers. And of course no one had car insurance. 

I can't leave my cats that long. 

Rule #1: No extroverts.

“Just admit that automatics are better, and buy one.”

Not having the glitch is an optional extra. 

I laminated my vaccination card. I have a cheap laminator leftover from college. I decided to also laminate my fishing license as to use more of the laminate pocket, and that’s how I discovered that my state prints fishing licenses on thermal-ink paper.