Miles Teg

Such a waste of engineers. I know a lot of the boffins who turn Musk's stupid ideas into real rockets, and I can't imagine how they signed off on something so stupid. 

Someone needs to say this...and as a currently drunk, autistic, lifelong Mac might as well be me: Apple products are no longer worth the cost. It took over 30 years, and who knows how many assassinations ordered by Bill Gates (we all know that dweeb has more skeletons in his closet than Saddam Hussein), but

Isn’t that just a concept from a worldbuilding game?

I bet there are a lot of well equipped van homes on the used market from insufferable 20 somethings who try #VanLife for a month, hate it, and move back in with their parents.

There’s a massive invasive population of king crabs in Norwegian waters. They don't really eat crabs up there, and are at a loss for how to deal with the "problem".

We need to lay completely new tracks that will stay federally owned into perpetuity. It should be made illegal to privatize the new rail system. 

I can think of few things worse than thinking you're getting a German or Japanese car, but getting are rebadged American car. 

How are we supposed to have the new Cold War all the damn baby-boomer politicians want if 2/3s of the crap on our store shelves is made there?

I'm on the spectrum, and have to bring ear plugs to restaurants these days. We need to start mandating sound deadening panels be installed on restaurant ceilings. If there sound level is painful for me, it's probably not healthy for you. 

But it will still be a Crapillac.

Iowa. There’s nothing there but corn and ugly people. 

We need to normalize eating cheese and chocolate together.

Why don’t car companies just put built in modular cell phone mounts in cars instead of infotainment systems? They can have an app that handles interfacing with the car through bluetooth or wifi. Most drivers don’t use built in infotainment systems. 

Ben Sharpiro and Jordan Peterson say women don’t like sex. 


The Element is one of the best cars of the 00s. Whoever submitted it to this list is a heretic.

You are aware that America is a nightmarishly corrupt corporate dystopia, right? All but maybe seven representatives and senators work for our glorious capitalist oligarch masters.

Price gouging.

The French are better than Americans in almost every way.

America’s state religion, fundamentalist capitalism, teaches that corporate profits are more important than people’s lives. These measures might cost corporations money, so they won’t happen.