Does anyone think “Let the Nazis run the PD” Buttigieg is going to make anything even remotely better?
Does anyone think “Let the Nazis run the PD” Buttigieg is going to make anything even remotely better?
Does anyone know what they were protesting?
Why is this news? Why does anyone who isn’t a rich actor care about anything that happens at the shows where rich actors congratulate each other for being rich actors?
I’m fine with this. Anything that hurts oligarchs is fine by me.
I thought it was for dorky adults, like John Iadarola?
I didn’t learn that a “baker’s dozen” was 13 until after I finished college. I thought it was 16. I remember several questions on standardized tests and entrance exams over my life that simply listed “a baker’s dozen” as the number of objects.
But I want PDF’s to open in my browser rather than downloading them. I have to make sure they’re useful, and if they are I need their web addresses for source documents.
Maybe a Mercedes G-Wagon, not an AMG model. Though given the direction the world is going in, even without Biden about to start WW3 in hopes of making Republicans like him, it will probably be a rusted bicycle or an oxen-drawn cart.
But that’s really all the South is good for.
(1) Because Trump’s Postmaster General DeJoy got a huge kickback.
Top Gear USA.
Why are so many micropenises getting into road rage shootouts these days?
If American carmakers would make cars as good, safe, and efficient as European cars, they wouldn’t have to worry.
The reason flying cars will never happen is the FAA and its equivalents around the world will never allow millions of untrained pilots to fly around our cities. That’s how you get a thousand mini-9/11s a week. It could only happen if there were slaved to a government controlled computer network with pretty much no…
You know the TSA stages a lot of their “weird confiscations”, right?
That doesn’t mean they’re working on one. It could just mean they don’t want anyone else to work on one. Patent suppression, just like the antigravity patents the US military filed last year.
But that’s just a boring crossover. The Kia looks fun.
Yeah I’m routinely surprised where my fur babies can get. They’re both larger than average, but can fit anywhere.
Yeah I’m routinely surprised where my fur babies can get. They’re both larger than average, but can fit anywhere.
Elon Musk will try another stunt to try to crash Tesla’s share price so he can reprivatize the company. The stunt will backfire because of his cult of personality.