Miles Teg

We should have started moving the grain belt north 20 years ago.

A bull shark was caught in Lake Michigan a few years ago. They breed in fresh water, and there aren’t many dams and no waterfalls or natural barriers south of St. Paul, MN, They’re also moderately endothermic, so they can keep themselves warm.

Weren’t Jem and the Holograms superheroes? And the made the film coming of age story.

I don’t want luxury furnishings in my RV. It should be spartan, and therefore lite. 

They should only be allowed to start a mine if the mine is run as a socialist-style employee owned cooperative.

Self-sealing stem bolts?

When do the Mustangs start driving into the crowd?

I think we should hollow out mountains, like Erebor. Windows can be simulated with TV screens.

Hollowed out mountains, like Erebor. That’s basically was the Cheyenne Mountain Complex is.

“ the upper stratosphere.”

You can get them off alibaba. Someone tell Jason.

Does Maine get a lot of tropical storms?

Is there an online database that tracks megayachts?

Mark Kelly, the astronaut, sold out to Exxon-Mobile. There is no hope. 

Mark Kelly, the astronaut, sold out to Exxon-Mobile. America is officially a lost cause. It's time for everyone and anyone who wants to live in a good country to leave. I'm saving up. 

Wake up and smell the eviction crisis, Jason. America isn't going to make it to 260. It's at the end of its lifecycle, and the oligarchs are already carving it up. The President from MBNA is going to have us paying tolls to use our roads and paying rent to Blackstone Group for the rest of our lives. As bad as things

In what world do you think Mayor "Let's Nazis Run The Police Force" would ever do anything for the proletariat?

A third person RPG would be great, choose between any kind of bender and a normal person. Or you could play as the avatar.

Does anyone else think Huawei should change their American brand name to something like “Highway” to appeal more to the American market. Most Americans are afraid of words we can’t pronounce.

Mine is hard science fiction, specifically when humans are not said to be special in anyway.