
Boxers, and a CVT Pathfinder?

I’m on Book 4.

I am calling it as an elaborate hoax/performance piece, but an incredibly impressive one. I just have a hard time believing that a game could be completely “lost” without no one ever mentioning it over the past 20 years.

God’s work.

As an Asian person I would like to say how frustrating it can be to tell people, yes we experience racism. And they’ll be like well you guys are so smart! And you’ll be fine.

This pops to mind

Funny you mention that. I actually took her out in the car after it was finished, went on a long drive out in the country, and asked her to marry me. The car is probably going to stick around for a while.

The President of the United States of America was live tweeting Fox and Friends this morning.

its just like the LIEberals at GizLIERS media to ask if I read a story before commmenting on it. go back to riting about GADGETS you hillary shills if i wanted to read about how i dont read things before i comment on them i’d go not-read the new york CRIMES opinion page. nice work trying to trick me into reading

Yeah, I kind of agree. I get that driverless tech will make public roads safer, but it has no place in racing.

Obama isn’t a demagogic asshole who cynically uses the worst, most base impulses of people to propel him to power.

Or film Cable and Deadpool just sitting in a cafe discussing his entire backstory, in one three-hour long scene, the whole thing, all improvised to save budget, and release that as part of a five-hour long Extended Edition.

I think Jalopnik needs to track down an owner of a test model and get a test drive or field report.

Meanwhile I’m insured through Obamacare and pregnant and terrified. Thanks a lot, assholes.

Please do tell how countries like Canada or England manage to stay afloat with “entitlement programs” such as universal healthcare, and why it is such a difficult thing for the US, where kids can get killed just for being at school, to do so. How is it not a huge burden in other countries but somehow unacceptable for

I’m a vaper after 20 years as a smoker. I like is SO MUCH better. No smoke smell, no hacking cough, love the flavors. I haven’t had a cold in over 2 years. But I’m ready for the weed. How come the 48 year old’s can’t get the weed for our vapes?

One of my dearest friends has used it to step down from smoking after having a terrible, invasive luckily life saving surgery. He had an x-ray as a precaution after an around the house accident; it uncovered a contained tumor that was likely tied to his 25+ years of smoking. He was pretty scared and used the incident

Ahh yes.

Of course they fail to realize that blocking access to pornography is something that is also done in many countries under Sharia law.