Yep, went downhill fast from there.
Yep, went downhill fast from there.
It’s right on topic, it’s a Beetle!
Well, it was.
There’s one in there somewhere.
Parts of it at least.
Well, there’s some parts that resemble the Beetle parts they started out as anyway.
I watched my grandfather go from walking to having to carry him in a week last year. Another week later he was dead.
Earlier that year my nan, who was fitter than many half her age (she walked 4 miles to work and back every day), was battling against cancer, she was almost written off by the doctors at one point but I…
Oh, it went with a bang - IIRC it was somewhere around 125 tons!
Maybe he fell on a club.
I’ve got a 2" bolt I stretched on one of those until it snapped in the garden as an ornament. Amazing how far they’ll go so long as you keep the strain rate down.
The same processes are used for making aerospace and medical bolts. In fact there’s a company down the road from me that does all 3 and offers plasma sprayed coatings too (necessary for the medical ones if they’re part of a bone implant, etc)
So yes, the effort that goes into this does filter back to helping people.
The damned reason you can’t do that over is precisely that - IT ISN’T THE ORIGINAL CAR. Therefore it’s not a priceless antique, it’s a brand new car with a plate slapped on it.
Which should be rightfully registered and tested as such.
How can you argue that is throwing out priceless art? There’s nothing left of the…
Saving what? A number? Because that’s all you’ll have left. There nothing original you’re going to salvage.
The VIN is the chassis as far as rules over here are concerned, sticking the same number on a new chassis with new running gear means it’s a new car. Not the original.
As for those suggesting exporting it? So you…
Fires are taken into consideration with standard UK policies.
If it was out on the road on a test drive then it must have been insured by UK law.
There would be nothing to rebuild, you might salvage the block and gearbox casting if you’re lucky.
The entire frame has lost it’s temper and sagged and twisted from the heat, you aren’t reusing any of that. You only need to look at the springs - they’ve completely lost their hardening.
That is how it works, because it’s not in America.
If it’s written off then the chassis will be destroyed because it’s been structurally damaged by the fire. As it should be, no way that should be back on the road without a new chassis.
It will yes, but the problem is the battery acts to reduce spikes and noise on the power line so it’s never a good idea to run without on if you can help it.
The field coils are self energising once there’s enough power fed through from spinning the shaft up.
Now, if only people had come up with overflow water wheels a few hundred years ago to make them more efficient....
He should have come on at 45* through the grass bank at the right, it would have given him effectively less angle to go at.
And speed. Lots of speed. If you’re in the air the floor ain’t scraping...
I wish my fuel would jump to $3 per gallon :(