
A couple points with emphasizing in here:

I generally agree with you about the lack of action on the left in terms of building political momentum and power. However, I don’t really want a place in the circular firing squad you are setting up here.

Asking honestly - how does the size of the country have anything to do with attitudes towards women and sexism? You are linking larger population size to worse behavior, or conversely, smaller population size to more just behavior but why would that be true?

I’m sure the Ombudsman understands memes, they are all in advertising! I don’t understand why this post and that company assumes the Ombudsman are a bunch of old fogeys who’ve lived in a cave cut off from internet and popular culture the past 50 years. That meme IS sexist, it DOES perpetuate negative gender stereotypes

dude ... Samwise +Frodo totes in a ship y’all ... you didn’t pick that heavy up?

To be fair, that’s not what he said. He said that’s how he felt about it while writing them because he had no other way to conceptualize their relationship. He’s going to have to put his spin on them- it’s his job, he’s writing for these characters. How he conceptualizes them in his head is not the same as applying

Yeah, Cuomo made promises that he wouldn’t have made if Nixon hadn’t pulled him back towards the left, but I don’t see how that forces him to follow through.

LETS FUCKING GO. Let’s make the Left’s response to the motherfucking Tea Party. It starts here, people.

I think his hotness is one of his solid card and he seems to rest on it - artistically speaking. But God yeah he is so damn hot that I forgive him his mezzo-mezzo-ness personality.

Yeah the movies have been mostly shit but still, you’re talking to a DC Comics stan here.

How can DC do this? Henry’s the only one who has what it takes to play Superman!

Maybe it’s because we’re bored with rehashing European history when there are whole continents of fascinating stories.

I hated Downton Abbey because it was a bunch of rich white people desperately trying to hold onto their wealth without wanting to do anything to change their circumstances, but we were supposed to root for them because they were “nice” to their servants because the servants got one day off a year and this was supposed

Agreed on all points! If Underwood’s had been Republicans, they risked backlash.

Steve Jobs was also a cunt, let’s not forget.

It really is terribly dumb. There’s more quasi-Shakespearean joy and machinations in one episode of the UK original with Ian Richardson than its glacial bore of an American cousin has had in years. Remember that the original works because it’s a critique/parody of the dog-eat-dog ethic of Thatcherism.

I’ve been meaning to watch this show. I’ve only recently gotten around to it. I’m almost through Season 1. I have to say, it’s not as good as I thought it would be considering the things I heard about it. Maybe it will get better but I’m not sure I will make it to Season 6.

We literally are a factory for the world’s worst jingoists and the world’s most entitled, bossy, violent tourists. Training Americans to be a loud, attention-seeking émigré or an even worse holidaymaker is the industry that drives our war machine- and cargo shorts-based economy.

There was an Israeli girl in one of my classes at uni and she was an insufferable twat. She was extremely islamophobic, Zionist and basically racist against anyone who wasn’t a Jew, and would screech about antisemitism every damn time someone uttered the word “Palestine”. She used her race/religion as an excuse for

Welcome to the difference between Judaism and Zionism.