
It is the spanish word for big.

Um...Ariana is not Hispanic so...

After Lindsay explains to Frank in one scene that the minister is pansexual, she quips that maybe he got the gig for “fucking both the bride and groom.” “Because he would fuck, for example, a man who thinks he’s a woman?” Frank replies. “Or a straight woman who thinks she’s actually a gay man?”

The so-called “centrist” of today has more in common with Reaganite bull-shit than anything remotely liberal. The evangelical right has worked hard to push the entire curve to the right, to the point where any thought that even remotely hints at a bit of market regulation or safety net is considered “far-left.”

Is a six month hiatus really a career derailment? If a co-worker of yours was caught beating off or exposing themselves on the job, what do you think the consequences would be?

The outrage isn’t faux. His actions stood in the way of other people getting on with their lives. He should step aside from the business. There’s a lot of dignity in working at Home Depot. He would have to walk around in public, learn things, be nice, help other people out. It would be good for his soul. Nobody would

I’ll be clear: if you criminally accosted people, I don’t think you get a public career any more. Plenty of crimes lead to career-ending outcomes. **You are not entitled to your chosen career**, especially if you have admitted to serial criminal activity.

Louis C.K. is back

In infant in Michigan was denied services by a physician because her parents are both women. 

“And regardless of what you or I think, his lawyers argued to the satisfaction of the supreme court that it wasn’t discrimination - I don’t know how because I don’t know the details”

Those comments make me want to go scream into a pillow and then sleep for the next five days.

“Doesn’t matter how right you are”.
It’s nice he gave any fence-sitters a little push over to your side eh :). 

PLEASE say it louder for the people in the back!

That’s exactly right. We let up on this guy, next thing we’ll be driving 300 miles to get a prescription filled. 

Thank you.  I couldn’t agree more.

Fair point, that actually caused me to pause and give some thought to my oriringal ‘why would she go there’ reaction.  Thanks!

Why go to this bakery when you already know the guy is an asshat?

“But this is over bus seats, ultimately something unimportant. All the seats are the same. I’m just saying, pick your battles.”

Hey y’all who are talking about “trolling” this baker-maybe go look up Rosa Parks, see what she was all about. Then think for a little bit.