Share the damn quote then. Are your fingers broken? Is your internet billed by the hour?
Share the damn quote then. Are your fingers broken? Is your internet billed by the hour?
Share the damn quote then.
I think your are missing that this is her attempting to refute the idea that voters in her district support her progressive policies because of the D.
And Pelosi isn’t just insulting AOC, she insulting everyone who voted for AOC.
I’m sure there’s something in the Art of War about attacking your allies instead of your enemies. Probably in the chapter about doing fucking dumb shit.
Arresting women for making choices about their bodies vs Medicare for all.
It’s just a stupid and unhelpful comment no matter the spin on it. I guarantee you Republicans are very happy to see this.
It’s a personal insult and should be considered unbecoming of the Speaker.
Progressive message is down the middle is a contradiction in terms.
Let’s ignore that and pretend this is all just realpolitik and not actually ideologically motivated in any way.
And yet people are defending it! Why? Centrism is a hell of a drug.
1) This is extremely rich coming from someone whose district is San Francisco
What a fucking trash comment. She beat the incumbent, was he worse than a glass of water? Oh wait, he barely campaigned and didn’t even go to debates. Huh.
Green New Deal vs Gay Conversion Therapy
I am just wondering if Pelosi realized that comment dunked all over Joe Crowley or not
The lie is in pretending that the final election was the victory for AOC. The fact that she beat an establishment democrat (and long time friend of Pelosi’s) in the primary is the big deal. The district she won is all about the primary and that was a HUGE victory for progressives in America.
Of course more progressive/left districts are easier to win. So yeah, totally Nancy.
Callung her middle of the road here is generous