

For starters, there’s this. I’m sure a simple Google search will provide you with more choice examples of how shitty she is.

Beyond the trans erasure (which is real) this is just a dumb casting choice. She looks NOTHING like the real-life person she’s playing, and the overlap between ScarJo fans and people who watch movies about obscure middle aged trans men can’t possibly be big enough to justify this as a business decision.

Okay that makes more sense. You’re right that some lgbt heroes have made it to the big screen but to the best of my knowledge none have been depicted as lgbt. That’s a shame and I suspect it will change within the next few years. Deadpool likely comes closest but doesn’t rise to the level of actual representation.

Ugh seriously?

They weren’t plannng on Oscar-bait, they were planning on a fun flick with naked ladies and SJ kissing women.

I am totally fine with her playing this role. As long as they recast Black Widow with a trans actress in her solo film. 

She’s not gonna fuck you, Mike.

Michael Rappaport can’t fucking spell or properly use grammar, and also he should just shut the fuck up. 

Michael Rapaport is one of the most garbagest humans to ever emerge from the heap.

Her conventional attractiveness isn’t going to do anything for the role since it's going to have to be hidden under a ton of makeup and prosthetics. Johannson has yet to carry any movie to great success that didn’t have a gimmick to it that makes it unclear if her presence was the draw. From what I’ve read about this

WOW, surprise, some white man came up with an anti-opinion about the activist work of a black woman without actually researching what she was standing up for and just assuming she stood for “nothing”. Oh but you vaguely admit that you admire some black folk who did some activist work you can’t even properly describe wa

It’s not who we are, it’s who Fox News says we are. That’s seriously all that matters.

Start giving trans actors roles that aren’t as trans people, and then we can talk about cis actors getting gigs telling our stories. If you limit trans actors to trans roles, you don’t get to complain about your “artistic freedom” or whatever self-serving tripe you’ve invented to justify it. You’ll get fully-justified

The first and only person who should be considered for this role is Lea Delaria. 

Why do people always act like irritated leftists have the power to ban or prohibit things? We don’t. We can just say “this is fucked up, we’re not supporting it” and then not buy movie tickets.

“I would not do it again, the judge told me not to.”

People are cheering on this black woman saying that she’s ready to take a bullet for what she believes in while her white colleagues and so-called allies in congress who should have her back can’t even take a second to hop on Twitter and condemn the death threats against her. It’s a grim juxtaposition that I cannot

Yeah, I mean I get to a certain extent, a lot of it is people imagining something like that happening to them and personalizing it. So for most of us that aren’t celebrities who could afford to never work again, the equivalent of what’s happening to Woody Allen would be losing our jobs and not being able to afford to