

Nope not even a tiny little bit. The judge in his custody case said he thought he at best had been inappropriate. The DA declined to press criminal charges to spare the child as he freely said. They believed he did it. In what world is declining to press charges to spare a victimized child the burden of a trial being

I’ve just stopped interacting with him entirely because it’s been so negative, aggressive, and gaslighty every fucking time.

But, her emails!

They literally don’t exist. I know a shit-ton of gay guys. Have ‘em for friends. They all think he’s a tacky, coked-out mofo. Not one of them cops to being spoken-for by him.

Don’t know how this could be surprising to anyone who’s had the misfortune of clicking on broadly. It’s the “feeeemale” wing of a bro empire. Every article is about women enjoying sex, masturbating, more sex, interviews with prostitutes talking about how much they love fucking unattractive men, more sex. It’s content

In the same way that I don’t want even an exceptionally qualified male OBGYN, I don’t really feel, idk if “comfortable” is the right word, but I guess it just seems a little out of place to see male writers on sites for women. As in, geared toward women and the experiences of women, but still need a man to explain

Who are all these gay guys he thinks he’s speaking for? Milo shares a narcissistic trait with Trump: projecting his own ugly worldview onto others (“Many people say...”).

Seriously. Yes. Also, why is racist MIL living there? They lived with her for a little while and now she as to inflict her racism on them forever in their own home?

as a canadian, fuck Argo. way to completely overwrite our contributions and make it look, AGAIN, like americans saved the day. Also, it’s whitewashed to shit.

Spencer did nazi that coming....

Yeah, my ass bleeds for those fuck heads.

This. Like, Trump is the red line if there ever was one. It’d be hard enough with a McCain or Romney, but Trump is the literal embodiement of everything wrong and evil in the world, not just someone to be opposed because of his politics.

Thank you. I am Black, female, and atheist. I literally CANNOT be “friends” with someone who supports Orange. That person doesn’t support my humanity.