Yea I was wondering how 132k KM’s scaled up to 145k USA Miles. The price on this however is WAY high. I can buy a C43 Sedan for around 5k miles in pretty similar shape albeit a few more miles. $9k and you got a NP, but $11k+? A very sad and unfortunate CP for me and this is what my wife will most likely be getting as…
At a bit under $11,500 in real money, it’s still a bit high. Cool car, though.
Also, Tim Horton's sucks. I said it.
I’d rather be seen in it the way it sits now than in that #61 Stancy-Pants.
The first Reliant segment is a complete waste of time, the Sabine segment was a bit pointless, the star on a reasonably priced rallycross car (a Mini?!) interview was content-free, the Ariel Nomad segment was pretty decent, and the last part of the challenge was contrived but okay, thanks to the mayor of Blackpool.…
You just described my dream garage. I like you.
You think the EPA gives a shit about emissions and pollution? The EPA is just another way for the government to control us with. Sure, they tell all the bleeding hearts that it’s for the environment, but in what way do these rules actually help that? If anything, as pointed out in the article, this truck is BETTER…
Audis are the f'ing worst for stupid electrical issues. Avoid new ones, not just old ones. Baffles me why ANYONE would want one.
Then you’d own 2 Smart cars at which point it’d make more sense to have 1 actual car.