Never played either of those games. I was in high school when those cars came out. I think I might still have some magzines they were fetured in.
Never played either of those games. I was in high school when those cars came out. I think I might still have some magzines they were fetured in.
And just like that I can buy a non-turbo, non-hybrid car!
Get an old 944 turbo and learn to turn a wrench.
I’m sure it will buff out.
If I remember right Toyota made this to compete with the Nissan Sentra SER Spec-V and the Mitsubishi Lancer Ralliart. The ralliart was the first car I ever bought new. I test drove all three. I liked the Toyota the least. The interior of the Nissan looked like isle 3 at Pep Boys. I went with the Mitsubishi. I still…
No flip up head lights. I missed that. You are correct.
Had I know that ‘Lego sculptor’ was an actual career I wouldn’t have become a doctor. Stupid parents always telling me to put away my toys and study...
chance sighting of an eBay listing reminded me that or work is not done. our. you mean our work is not done.
Life would be so much easier if Toyoberu would just put a turbo on the car. Then people wouldn’t have to source motors from Ferrari. ;-)
The first car I bought new was a 2004 Lancer Ralliart. I loved that car. I loved Mitsubishi in the 90's. I really wish they didn’t suck right now.
I can’t stand Chris Evans. He truly has a face for radio. He looks like the kind of guy who was just asking to be bullied as a kid. BBC has taken a perfecty good show and completely f*cked it up. I’m shocked that Joey from Friends was the best part of this mess.
Wait, did you say someone stole a Buick? Someone moved to the wrong neighborhood. I teach at a community college in Furgason MO and they don’t even steel Buicks there. Mind blown.
The Panamera doesn’t bother me nearly as much as people who write “DAT” instead of “that.”