
Who would have ever thought that a company that sells low-build-quality cars would be struggling financially? It’s almost as if people are willing to spend money on quality products.

Granny shifting, not double clutching like you should...

I know... and yet the idea of a 944 on jack stands in my garage with parts and grease everywhere seems appealing to me. I think it’s time to admit I have a problem...

In 1980 the stock corvette 305 put out 180 bhp. It was a sad time for hp

I found this video a couple months ago and I’ve been dreaming of a 944 ever since. Someone please talk me out of it...

Hmmm... this just seems like karma to me.

Sounds like the car driver did the right thing by slowing down because he couldn’t see very well. I’m sure I’ll take crap for this but it seems that sometimes motorcyclists earn their reputation.

did I touch a nerve? does somebody need a hug?

In 99 I bought an 85 Audi 5000 S Turbo (this cars grandpa, also a 5 pot turbo). At 14 years old I expected it to have problems. I was right but I got it for $2000 and it was fun while it lasted. Then I got my wife a 98 VW Cabrio. by 2004 it had problems just after the warenty was up. Then a 2003 Jetta 1.8 Turbo that

Every Japanese car I’ve had has lasted 10 years or more with just regular maintenance.

CP. every Audi/VW I’ve ever owned has had major electrical problems by the time they’re 8-9 years old. Not worth the headache at any price.

I’m sure it would br easier to replace the wife than that car. Just say’n.

I’m sorry but I need more pictures. Two doesn’t cut it.

I guess to get COTD these days you have to write a book and then post it.

We have a really cheep version of the Porsche. It’s called a BRZ. It’s like a modern 944. Now I’ll wait for all the hate from all the 911 purists.

Now playing

The Reverend Horton Heat recomends a low flying aroplane.

That VW Golf Harlequin just reminds me of a Bill Cosby sweater. It creeps me out a little.

He’s from Boston. It could be taco bell and he wouldn’t know the difference. But damn I could go for a Blake’s Lotaburger right now.