Philip J Reed

Would it be inappropriate to forgo a joke and instead ask the title of that book?

Honey don't play dat.

Huh. Upvoted for the tactful response to nitpickery AND for using the opportunity to educate!

That would be an ecumenical matter.

That's showing him, LotionChowder! Pfft, Princess Zelda…

"Also, stories that consist of nothing but a video are for illiterate ADHD-addled monkeys."

Do you need to know everything that happens in sequence in order to decide if you're interested?

I know this has come up before, but I feel the need to ask again: why do these posts list everything that happens in the video, in sequence? It's…baffling to me that somebody can do that so many times and not realize it's bad form.

…wait. D-do I know you?

Me too! Want to cuddle?

Batman's a motorist.

That was the most polite "You're new here, aren't you?" I've ever read.

Ah, rats…I got my hopes up it was that knock-off Zep-ish song Brock listens to in his car sometimes. (I think he's listening to it on his way to his vacation in "Home Insecurity," but it's in a few episodes.)

Why embed some other channel's stolen, monetized copy of the AVGN episode and not embed the actual, higher-quality version uploaded by the content creator?

They made the faux-Zep available?! Do you have a link to the download?

I'll take one, one, one for Uncle Jesse and two, two, two for have mercy…

I'm sorry I missed it. Confusion and motion sickness are my two favorite things. :(

Can somebody please tell me what happened yesterday? Partially because I missed it, and mainly because whoever answers me will inevitably do it in some kind of hilarious pastiche.

And Super C!

These Air Bud sequels are getting further and further from the formula that made the series great.