
I’m definitely not sad at all that he’s off the show. Nothing against him, but the whole premise was dumb. I know it would be way less comedic, but just have a racecar driver do a lap.

The Youtube Kids app is a good alternative, too! It’s not perfect but it weeds out most of the counterfeits, I’ve noticed. Also, Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom is the shiz. Nanny Plum ftw.

Whole new meaning to Kelis’ song...

I still resent that I am only 5'9". I’m an embarassment to my country, despite drinking shit tons of milk.

Why not? Milk is fucking delicious.

The concerned citizen with a gun didn’t stop the rampage. The rampage was already over by the time this dude showed up. The shooter had left the church and was going toward his car. Nice try though.

You may dislike the phrase and dislike what is a break from reality to you. All you really need t know, though, is no matter how you feel about the phrase, it’s not something to be fearful about. No matter how you personally feel about the phrase, there is no need to hate people for using it. How you personally feel

And when people stop fearing it as just a battle cry, but realize what it actually means/how it’s used by 99% of Muslims.

Unfortunately you’re mostly right, I think. Thankfully the vast majority of adherents of all religions espouse the good parts without any of the supremacist, exclusionist, hate-filled interpretations. Just the “be a good person” part and take the presence of a supreme being as a comforting/humbling thought.

Well I learned a new word. Thanks for that.

Just like any “tiny extreme faction” of any group, though, right? Or are we again just targeting muslims for no reason?

Lots of delusions are comforting, that doesn’t make them good.

You’re calling ALL religious people religious nuts? Some people take comfort in the idea of a God, some people take comfort in other types of rituals. And the idea of regardless of how much of a badass you are, you are not all-powerful is a good humbling and beautiful reminder. That’s what Allahu Akbar means.

Which is all the more reason to educate non-Muslims about the actual meaning/usage of the phrase.

And neither do literally billions of Muslims who say Allahu Akbar during prayer, or when they see something magnificent, or any other time they say it. The point is that we need to get away from the narrative that anytime you hear Allahu Akbar, it’s automatically something negative.


I don’t understand this segment at all, but I kinda like the way it looks. Like the X5's pudgy younger brother. You’re totes right about the body cladding though. It looks much better on the blue one in the background.

Props for BMW to leave an actual map screen up in their press photo. And mad props for you being able to look that up so quickly! LOL

Of course it was his choice and he has to deal with the consequences. But the stewards should also take that kind of thing into consideration, because if he wouldn’t have taken evasive action, he wouldn’t have taken all four wheels off track. But, like you said, what is done is done. Either way it was an awesome drive

It’s not whining if you believe it’s a legitimate complaint, though. It just seems like whining to the person who benefited from the penalty.