Phil Hartup

One springs to mind- he shot a guy that came after Duffy, can't recall the name but it was the rich guy whose house Raylan occupied for a while. Put him down before Rachel had even pulled her gun as I recall.

Weirdly enough I think it's about the closest thing to a heroic death in the whole series. I mean there have been some great deaths, but most are darkly funny, or ironic, or stupid, or sudden. Mikey died fighting to the death for his boss.

I wouldn't be too surprised if Constable Bob died. So far it's been almost entirely members of the Harlan County And Friends criminal fraternity getting dropped. We're about due a lawman. And frankly I like Tim, Rachel and Art a lot more.

I think it is telling that Markham's plan A, when things didn't look too serious and he wasn't anticipating a bloodbath, was five highly trained mercenaries.

The line that breaks my heart is this:
"You were as close to family as I ever had."

That he does. :)

And yet Carl goes down like Liston.

I think Tim has a high opinion of Raylan. Remember when Tim was about to go out and straight up murder Daryl Crowe? And remember how he shot Colt down like a dog? He's more at peace with institutions than Givens, more housetrained, but he's the same type of dog.

The worst part of that scene for me is when he gets between her and Duffy and you know she's going to kill him. You see it coming like a choochoo train. But then he kills her anyway, because the series owed him for letting Daryl Crowe Jnr beat the crap out of him.

That'd mean Boyd switched the money. He might just have done that. He just might.

I like Vasquez, he's furious with good reason. The way he sees it literally everybody is fucking up all around him and his career is getting shredded as a result. He's a good character, he's grown greater than merely being Some Kind Of Super Boss Man.

I can see the thought process as to why they'd do it that way, but I'm glad they didn't. Played out that way it adds an unnecessary layer to everything, because we've already got the stakes, and to have Tim die at that point would upset them. Everybody is already motivated enough to get to the final showdown here.

21 Foot Rule strikes again. Except Michael Cosmatopolis doesn't need a knife.

Ava might regret not killing Raylan. Dropping him and Boyd, in the same spot at the same time, put the gun in Boyd's hand, then escape. It'd look like they killed each other. At least it'd look that way for long enough she might get away.

Boone might just be the best goon yet, or at least the most fitting for the task at hand. Had to be one out there somewhere fancied himself a gunslinger, only a matter of time. Very few folks who seek a showdown with Raylan ever have it work out as they expect though, they either end up skewered in a dog's grave or

My only beef with this episode was the scene with Raylan getting to talk to the imagined figure of his father. For me that felt like a cheat. The way that he'd destroyed all his dad's things it felt like that should have been an end to answers, and the end to any idea of closure.

You know, maybe it's just me, but I've been getting this recurring sense that he's really not enjoying his time in Harlan.

I think that she brought it up to get sympathy from Boyd, and it worked.

I would have figured a professional criminal like him would have had a good first aid kit and a razor (maybe in an overnight bag or something) in his car for just this exact eventuality.

The most surprising thing for me in this episode was that Walker didn't shave his beard. When he was in that toilet patching himself up, second thing I thought he'd do after fixing the gunshot wound was shave off the face fuzz. I mean as distinguishing features go the beard is a bit of a giveaway.