Phil Hartup

Must confess that did feel a bit too convenient. I mean the idea of driving hard and knackering out your car makes sense if its a Model T Ford or something, but for a modern car to keel over at a time like that seems a bit unlikely.

I liked that they did more with Choochoo than just have him as the big dumb goon. We have had that before with Coover, and they fleshed him out a bit, gave him some skills other than being a big dumb guy, but still, he was mostly the big dumb one. It's a really tired trope that the big guy has to be dumb. But this

Anybody else get the impression Errol was fixing to kill Ava? I suspect that was the plan. I think Limehouse would have clocked that she was doomed and just figured to take the money and make her end quick. He never was one for loose ends, and Ava doing a runner in a car he provided, and getting caught by the law or

Yeah I thought it was (eventually) obvious that Phlannel was PB. I wondered at first, then he went off on the technobabble ramble about treaties and it seemed fairly obvious. I think the 'field trip' PB described was the entire adventure, not just the trip to Castle Lemongrab.

I loved his little admission that he went for help in the woods but got lost.

Yeah if he was a real person he'd a be a total dick. It works in a fictional character.

He did think that the Crowes killed Messer. It's not like he was trying to murder them just for being in his town uninvited. Plus, goaded or not, it was still on them if they did go for him. Raylan's always been about right and wrong and keeping the peace more than the letter, or even the spirit, of the law as it is