Phil Hartup

See I don't think, even in the midst of the AIDS epidemic, it would be difficult for a supernaturally hot woman to get laid. :)

Yeah I think if she'd been a more traditional expression of a sex/party/fertility goddess then it would have made sense, but they've gone for the succubus trope and so it doesn't make sense that she'd feel bad.

Okay I liked this episode, the Godfather joke was worth the series thus far in and of itself, but something really irked me.

I got kind of a sense at the end of the Anubis scene that he'd kind of showed up early to catch that old lady before her registered afterlife came knocking, because he probably struggles for business now. Maybe it was the cat knocked over the stool.

That's not really a gag, more the saddest thing ever. Brilliantly informs the wisdom the old guy would later impart on Bojack though.

Might be late to the party here but is there any indication at all what happened to the manatee journalist? Kind of suspecting the worst to be honest.

"We just want the cowbell sketch."
"Tough shit, you've got to take the lot."

It's not dead, it's just used up its mortal body and is waiting for the mothership.

Ewok toys. Ewok movies. Ewok cartoon series. Ewok this, Ewok that. Almost everything in Star Wars was designed to one day be made into toys to be sold to kids, that's a given with the series, but the Ewoks were just so transparently aimed at being merchandised it's embarrassing. I believe (could be wrong) they were

I think there's a tendency for people to kind of jump a bunch of conclusions whenever feminist criticism is offered.

I thought it was good, not great, on balance. I think the story did a good job of getting us to care about the main characters and then it killed them all. I think Ani was woefully underused in the season as a whole, needed more to do at the end. Personally would have expected a more direct revenge from Ani.

I think this was a great episode and everything is set for a great end to the season. I've joked in the past that this season was turning into The Wire, and to a large extent the form has been the same. Really rough early episodes building to something special.

Honestly I was surprised he made it that long and sort of disappointed. He looked a goner, but he slaughtered everybody and then, right at the end, pow.

It would have been spectacularly difficult to pull that off. Spectacularly difficult. But if it could have been done it would have been a classic for the ages.

My one fear with this season is that, almost regardless of how this all plays out, there's not a particularly worthy villain to the piece. I mean there's corruption as a nebulous concept seeping into everything and there's a huge number of absolute douchecanoes roaming the corridors of power in the world, but short of

I thought it was a decent scene. I wouldn't have believed a scene where he'd just been brooding and angry after that much beak. I mean that was a shitload. If that much blow couldn't drag a smile out of a person I doubt it would be as popular as it is with the kids today.

So true. Could have gotten into proper horror. Instead it's the most basic Southern Fried cliche imaginable.

Semyon nailed what needed to be said. Velcoro knows absolutely that this is all on him. It is All On Him. He took information he didn't verify and then he straight up murdered a guy and he knows it, and he doesn't hide from that. He says it himself. Semyon is right, Velcoro did this all himself.

I actually thought that scene worked really well. It wasn't just a row, it was a series of often quite brutal truths and betrayals being fired back and forth, while at the same time there was a really strong sense (at least for me) that once the row had really started both absolutely regretted it, but were sort of

For me the last season started great and then slipped into cliche and mediocrity, at least in regards to the story (I mean it going from proper deep, dark horror, to just being another standard Southern inbreds are super-good at murder story), and I'm thinking that the second season is actually going in reverse. My