
Fuck you.

In what world is that reasonable? It is an act intended to humiliate someone. No one should intentionally humiliate their children. If you think this is reasonable discipline, I hope you aren’t responsible for any children.

Interestingly, it's also what Germans did to women who slept with Allied troops (particularly soldiers of color) after WWII.

“died by suicide” has to be one of the sloppiest phrases I’ve heard in awhile. You commit suicide or you kill yourself. Suicide is a motive, not a method.

Or how betrayed she would feel that her own father, a person who is supposed to love and protect her, would become a bully too? She must have felt like absolutely no one would support and protect her. How terribly sad.

If she was being bullied at school, it makes it so much worse that her own father would do this to her. Did it never occur to him that those same bullies would see this and use it against her? WTF!

Well for one the cheap wine people didn’t just write a goddamn novella telling you how wrong you are.

This is the longest “WAHHHHHHHHHH” I’ve ever read.

I think that you probably just did more to reinforce why people think 'snobby' wine people are insufferable, than you did to refute it.

Counterpoint: Drink whatever wine you like, don’t listen to people on the Internet.

Now playing

Poor Joni. Hoping hard for her. She was everything to me as a teenager. “Amelia” so perfectly captured the bold and bittersweet feeling of longing to do more, see more, and be more than what you are, even when losing it will hurt you. As a small town girl desperate to know something outside my happy little

It’s the infinite onion of horror, each layer that is pealed away reveals new terrors.

“However, large companies still have an incentive to stick with IPv4 for as long as they can since upgrading would mean buying new routers and other hardware. All of this is just a stay of execution for IPv4 before everyone is forced to embrace the IPv6 future.”

Prior to this article I seriously doubted that anyone could defend this guy with a straight face. Time to lower my expectations again, apparently.

People who speak the truth are usually regarded as knowitall assholes by the uneducated and ignorant.

Just because they're assholes doesn't mean they're wrong.

I recently wrapped up extensive diagnostic testing for rheumatoid conditions and all kinds of stuff, only to be told that I have fibromyalgia, a severe vitamin D deficiency, and I've suffered from depression and anxiety as a result of my pain and lack of sleep from said pain for nearly 10 years.

The medications that I

Oh please expand on cutting weed down with other drugs. I am dying to hear this.

This "digestive pill that promises to cleanse your stomach" is called a laxative, and they've been studied extensively and are available in any drug store. I'm not sure why you're rhetorically asking "is that now a lie."

Nobody at any point claims you should take prescription drugs here, the only way to get the nutrients you need is through a balanced diet and that's the only thing recommended in place of detoxes/cleanses. The only way to "detox" your system is to let your body do its natural thing.