
"by all intensive purposes"

Second, I don't give a shit what someone "feels" when it comes to science. I "feel" like I'm going to win the lottery doesn't make it true.

So, they are anti-vaccine. Thanks for providing another example. Second, I don't give a shit what someone "feels" when it comes to science. I "feel" like I'm going to win the lottery doesn't make it true.

You mean compared to subway systems built in the last decade that serve a fraction of the number of people and rail mileage?

Rubbish. I know plenty of people who smoke who have never done harder stuff. They all hold good jobs and are no burden to anyone.

That should have been 45 minutes long. I would absolutely watch that for 45 minutes. I'm now sad it's over. I'm gonna go make a coco-puffs shake.

No, don't think it's funny.

I really hate the way you write, it's fucking obnoxious and you seem like an obnoxious person, but I agree with you and I fucking hate that.

Now playing

Safety first! Alton Brown shows the right way to fry a turkey.

I never feel as alive as I do when I drink an ice cold can of beer in the morning.

Ribbed, for everyone's pleasure.

And for saying criticism of Body Count Jenny McCarthy was "unfair" and for calling Mimi Alford "greedy" and telling her she should feel guilty about the affair with JFK, then doing her own tell-all book about her affair with Edward Brooks.

Totally valid point! Once I got a flu shot and then I stepped in dog shit on my way out of the office. Thanks a lot, SCIENCE. Clearly flu shots cause dog doo.

you have to be trolling at this point

Take your post hoc anecdotes to someone who doesn't like science.

And if we are better at teaching Probability and Statistics in school, we do not have to deal with this fucking bullshit, EVERY bloody YEAR.

A coincidence doesn't turn from anecdote into data just because it happens to you.

Said the pompous asshole.

I thought it was called a compensated zoom, but dolly zoom makes more sense. One of the best uses I've ever seen was in "Jaws" when it's used on a shot of Roy Scheider on the beach as he realizes that there's a shark attack.