
A grass roots effort would be more effective without pitting middle and working class whites against African Americans and vice versa, something this facile and simplistic article and some of its comments encourage. Conservative moneyed interests have long feared what would happen if the disenfranchised of all

Rent control is on the decline in New York. In 1981 63% of rental units were subject to rent regulation. In 2011, the share had declined to 47%. The deregulation has contributed to this problem.

Thank you for injecting a modicum of nuance to this discussion.

how does one begin to do that when the reins of power are totally controlled by those you wish to unseat? This is not intended as snark, but an honest question.

So the solution to the problem is to make policies that solve the problem? You have a future in politics.

Aren't research and speculation quite separate things?

Let's all have a moment if silence to honor the poor heterosexual victims who have been bullied by gay boys, but lived to whine about it.

His career hasn't even started yet and you're telling us how he will be remembered. That was quick.

I would prefer to smoke Stephen Dorf.

I live in a pre-war walk-up in Manhattan. I know a few people who have died in the building of natural causes. Since the building has been there almost 90 years, I have to assume at least one violent death has occurred, possibly more. Before I moved to my current location, I lived in the buildling where Billie Holiday

You young whippersnappers and your fancy gizmos! In my day you kept a pocket full of dimes so that you could use one of them there phone booths to call your best friend to come and talk you down from a bad LSD trip. There was no app for that.

We don't know exactly what happened yet. They might have been cut off by some drunken, texting 30 year old for all we know. Also, if you look at the stats, most of the accidents (not just raw numbers, but proportionally) happen with drivers in the 25-54 age range.…

You just totally missed his snark. Take a deep breath and calm down and read it when your head is clear. He's not saying what you think he's saying. He's making a joke about the network. It isn't homophobic. I'm as queer as they come and I laughed at it.

It would be illegal for the government to sanction him because of his personal opinions, but he has a franchise contract with the NBA. I'm not familiar with the contract terms, but I bet there are "morals clauses" or some such terms which allow the NBA to sanction him.

It sounds like he is a dick, but he is lucky to be rid of her.

You just gave yourself away with the "throw it in their faces" remark. Boilerplate bigoted bullshit. He didn't throw anything in anyone's face. He stated a simple fact. What a telling over-reaction.

Also lots of porn.

I've smoked cannabis for 45 years. I'm waiting for Medicare to kick in before I move on to the hard stuff.

How enlightened of you to expound on how gay people are. Would you also like to explain Jews and blacks to us? What about Asians?

National treasure my ass. Not until she apologizes for Roy Cohn.