
Well that’s no surprise.

i played with this guy quite a bit at sportek in tel aviv. i will say that is he quite good. super unorthodox shot and strong. but he is probably the biggest asshole i’ve ever played with. he gets on his teammates if their opponent scores. he never, ever passes the ball. and he calls soft fouls. what’s worse is that

Weird, he usually posts up as a left wing.

More like kissing it off the Glass-Steagall Act

Fucking hypocrite getting plenty of support from the big banks, I see.

I understand that Carey’s relatively new at this, but I think CBS has to consider pulling the plug. The games just aren’t as much fun with him and his lame-ass commentary taking away from what has been a traditionally exciting product. I know options are limited in terms of a replacement, but I’m sure Bob Barker can

You didn’t try Saranac? That’s too bad. Its awesome. Especially on draft.

Saranac root beer is awesome but I think you can only get it in upstate NY.

Haven't had one in years but saranac root beer is pretty special

Ugh! I am so jealous. I’ve only tried about half of their selection, but I have a few recommendations for the next time you go:

I’ve had 30-40 different kinds of root beer, Saranac has held the top spot since I was a little kid, and it shows no signs of relinquishing it.

Agreed, Abita is in the mix with Sprecher’s and Stewart’s for the spots behind IBC and Saranac (which I’m mentioning in every comment I make because I still haven’t seen anybody mention it, and, as someone who has drank a *lot* of root beer, it should be number 1)

Ranking root beers is something I take extremely seriously, and you have done a good job here. But you must not have been to upstate New York recently (or ever), because Saranac root beer is easily the best.

Have you had Saranac’s Root Beer yet? Might be local bias as I grew up in Northern New York but to me it is revelatory.

Goose Island makes a fantastic root beer. Highly recommended.

I love football, but have a harder and harder time just vegging out and watching it like a big dumb baby than I used to the more and more this information comes out. You watch a guy like Antonio Brown go ragdoll from a helmet hit, and it’s hard to ignore the CTE elephant in the room.

Yes, I’ve been looking for an accountant who openly admits to not paying attention when hundreds of thousands of dollars are on the line. I’m sure my taxes and financial well-being will be in good hands with this guy.

To be fair, brain damage likely accounts for over 50% of his support.

Bob Lobel had a great sports show on channel 4 in the mid 90s that would often have Bob Ryan and (ugh) Dan Shaughnessy on as a guests. Once they were talking about ... I don’t know, some Boston sports bullshit. Ryan just gets the most exasperated look on his face and says “Screw the fans. That’s what they’re doing.