The -B variant has always had this capability... you clearly know nothing about the program then, lol
The -B variant has always had this capability... you clearly know nothing about the program then, lol
What’s with all the Corvette bashing here? It’s almost like you people don’t like cars or something. This thing looks great, even with the wacko camo. Looks like a Ferrari, you say? Yeah, well dolphins look like sharks, too...and they both look cool.
Sure, it hit the halo, but did it really protect LEC? Would ALO’s car have even hit LEC’s helmet without it?
It’s Philadelphia. No one there is sober enough to drive.
Anyone who owns a Citroen in the US has at least at some point done copious amounts of cocaine.
Why on Earth would you be ashamed of this????????????? A CTS-V Wagon is THE car guy’s car.
Ahhhh... wouldn’t a pair of Monte Carlo/Grand Prix coupes on the G8 chassis have been cool?
1. I agree.
2. Go to work as a cop and then tell us again, you asshat.
The officer almost got run over.
I can’t blame him for having his weapon drawn, and assuming the suspect was hostile.
Wonderful fucking timing Lockheed!! I just purchased a SR-71 last month! You know what, fuck the 72. I’m just going to wait for the 73.
This is almost exactly what I said when I saw the title of the article. Basically every track that Tilke has designed since Bahrain has been boring and severely lacking in personality. COTA isn’t too bad, but the rest of them are garbage in my opinion.
I know he is mentioned in the article, but in future track changes and future F1 tracks just don’t let Hermann Tilke be involved.
the first “sim” i ever played was Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe. A lucas arts flight sim/ arcade game. losing oil pressure over the channel due to damage was a panic inducer every time.
Chuck Yeager - hell yeah.
I love the old Jane’s games. They were the most realistic of all simulators.
Jane’s Fighter anthology was a major part of my teens, I used the numpad as my joystick back then.