The sound is from NASCAR Racing 2003 so yea its old and outdated but still funny...
The sound is from NASCAR Racing 2003 so yea its old and outdated but still funny...
From Talladega Nights - not a real car... but it should be!
Dont forget the G8s too... I have (had) both - kept the GXP because the SS didnt assault you enough when driving...
There was the concept of the G8 coupe back when... looked badass. I think that it was only renders, and that of the Holden, but I could have swore someone also did a Pontiac version as well.. Oh well. RIP Holden. - Thanks for my SS and my G8.
I had 4 of them growing up.. 2 96 Z34's (one met its demise 9/10 of 98 at the hands of an 88 year old who ran a light and nearly killed me). The other 2 were an 01 with the sport package, and the 04 supercharged one... I was almost tempted to get an 06 V8 when I heard about this new G8 that was coming... glad I…
SWOTL was really fun.. totally forgot about it until you mentioned it!
I have the harrier- its insane. So nice to fly and hover, but the landing.. HOLY CRAP lol.
Great list... apart from the ones listed, some of my favs were and still are;
Hold up tho - Isnt the diesel nozzle bigger than the gas nozzle for just this reason? I seem to recall being at a gas pump and watching someone struggle with it only to point out that they were using the wrong one for their car.
So does the SS -Well the 15-17's. The only options for the car were the roof, transmission and spare tire. I have a ‘14 - and looked for one - because the magnetic ride control wasnt something I particularly liked. I have always liked the actual feel of the road and I dont get that in my SS. To be honest I dont get…
I have both an SS and GXP and love my GXP more.. the SS’s electronic steering and other nannies piss me off to no end..
I have both an SS and a G8 GXP and if you hate the steering in the SS you will love the GXP.. same basic idea, ballsy V8 in a sedan that dosent look special, but holy hell is it fun and fast.
Owned my G8 since march of 09 and only done scheduled maintenance on it. Never had an issue. My 14 SS on the other hand has been a bit more problematic, especially with the recalls lately.
Im glad I have 2... best 2 cars I have ever owned period. My SS and G8 GXP have been nothing short of a blast to own and drive. Sad to see this happen.
Apparently there are 2 - in the background of the top picture (to the right) theres another one next to the Impala and yellow Vette.
no. the 95-99 montes never came in SS trim... only LS, LT and Z34. The song refers to the 2000 versions. They didnt come with nav tho.
“... Concorde was tricky to fly and dogged by high-profile crashes ....”
Actually only one crashed, July of 2000.
Its actually funny reading this and looking back on my first car, because I had one of these. Well not one but 2 of the 96 Z34's (one was totaled thanks to one of those pesky red light runners)... and for a 16 year old kid it wasnt a bad car, and it was safe (saved my life in all honesty). But man it just looked like…
Well my local unicorns are actually mine... I have a ‘14 SS and an ‘09 G8 GXP... both in their own right unicorns. The SS is one of 25k, the G8 is one of 1800.