
“I don’t need no stinking sparks.”—Vin Diesel

“You may end up with a different juice, but you’re entitled to your juice. I’m entitled to the juice.”—Karl Orange-Grove

Too bad that INSANE VISION didn’t foresee the folly of pandering to an oppressive authoritarian regime!


What’s painfully clear is that he’s a bad public speaker and has verbal paraphasia, often replacing one word for another similar sounding one.

It’s also likely he’s trying to protect his personal investments in China, which could well be considerable but largely shielded from public view.

The temerity to say the fuckin’ league had “a bad week”. Try being a protester in Hong Kong, or a typhoon victim in Japan...or shit, a Kurd! 

“You had one fuckin’ unpaid job. What the fuck do I not pay you for, son?!”

Correction: She used a weird tool with a blade to tear them to bits.

Next, WWE will complete the heel turn of Bayley by having her walk out to a demonic metal remix of her song and have her cutesy visuals and skydancers suddenly engulfed by flames. Ya know, to give the fiercely loyal kiddies nightmares!

Wonderful! Looks like a symbol you’d see plastered to the side of an electric vehicle.

To quote Councillor Hamann from The Matrix Reloaded:

Clearly, “W” isn’t something that offers a lot of options.

Not just the best uniform idea, but the most progressive as well, considering the two cardinals depicted are both male.

Hey now, Bryce Harper put up MVP* numbers this year! They’ll miss him in the NLCS.

Bowl? Try using a small mirror.

I do not eat my cereal in milk. People who do are war criminals.

The Mayfield-Gilmore Handshake Micro-Beef will be EPIC.