Philadelphia Collins

Money, coke and hookers.

First rate goal, by a second rate player, scored in a third rate league. Hulk everybody!

Nothing involving lacrosse is better than anything involving football.

It’s okay, Heidi. I vomit in my mouth a little bit whenever the Cardinals are mentioned, too.

It could be worse.

All of London sighs plaintively.

Seeing as how this website did not exist in the 1970s, probably not.

I blame the department and let me tell you why. They praise rookie officers. They’ll go around making a 100 arrests a month, and they’ll praise them. These rookie officers will do anything to get an arrest because they want more praise, you know what I’m saying? This is the result of it. They arrested Gray for some

As a Yankees fan, I love going to watch a game at Camden Yards. The New Yankee Stadium is an awful place to watch a game, especially in the bleachers.

The 2,632 consecutive tweets also served as a nice tribute to Cal Ripken Jr.

John Angelos did good.

He’s got a fake smile and shitty work ethic. He reminds me of Jamarcus Russell. He’s got bust written all over him.

Fuck this.

Holy crap. I clicked on the video and knew exactly where she is at (sign me up to be an investigative reporter, ESPN. I have a college degree, am in good shape, have all my teeth, and live in an apartment). Before everyone absolutely rags on Britt here, let me play devil’s advocate for just one second.

As a Yankee fan, all I can say is what a gigantic loser and a disgrace to the game of baseball this guy is. I’m really sick of this clown and everything he does. Seriously, get Stephen Drew off the fucking field.

I wonder if the stenographer recorded that.

"This is the type of guy that doesn't deserve a third chance"

Welcome to Kinja, Mr. McMahon.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. Maybe he just didn't show up in the picture cause the flash was on."