Philadelphia Collins

No holy water?

I'm oddly enough a Redskins fan and feel it's his right to do what he wants with his company's name (note use of proper possessive punctuation), all that aside he's still a cunt of a human being which was my original point

No, I brought up Dan Snyder's character as a human being and mentioned nothing about his team's actually brought that up. Nice try junior, also way to recommend your own post you pathetic attention whore

Great move by the Cincy management, Dan Snyder should read this and take notes on being a decent human being. Fuck Dan Snyder

How far can you punt a football?


What a D-Bag

this shit is hilarious

The synapses in Urban Meyer's brain fire like Tebow passes

You can see him 25 seconds in getting ready to charge in the stands


I hope he wears #6

This guy is just channeling his inner Chris Paul

Just Manny coaching Manny

This is a center for ants it needs to be at least three times bigger

I thought this was a "crab dribble"

So Wilford Bremley is a youth baseball ump now?

No it's most likely just simply a lie

Well thank god Riley Cooper never decided to fight him