
Sarcasm is a lost on the interwebs.

Thanks for the spam.

Don't be so naive. If ANY country levels ANY U.S. city, you better believe they would be turned into glass. We invaded Iraq because 12 Middle-Easterners, that were not even Iraqis, used airplanes as bombs. What makes you think the U.S. would show restraint? (Also, you managed to use two words that are huge pet

I do think that you have drunk a little to much Wall Street(TM) Kool Aid my brother. I have extensive education and many years of work experience. I'm not saying I should be paid as much as a CEO, but I do realize that I work more hours than he does and I am devoted to the company. So, should he make 300% more than

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Well, when you are a 1% you gotta do something with that cash.

O...I thought you were going to tell us what parts of the chicken are in the know...lips, ass, testicles, feet, white slime, etc...

What runs the jet ski's? Yes, fossil fuels and they are rev'd up to full power. They guzzle the gas. Try not to be adamant in your ignorance.

Don't you find it a little suspicious that EVERYONE involved in these jetpack videos are incredibly good looking? It's just gorilla marketing trying to create a buzz. But yes, the girls are pretty and the jetpack stuff are shiny object. We, as Americans, cannot resist that shit.

I dunno...everytime I see these jetpacks, I just see a horrible waste of fuel and think of how dirty it must be to power those things. I guess I'm just getting old.

Big thumbs up.

If it wasn't for Intel, AMD would have been out of business long ago. True story.

They may not be sexy but they certainly are relevant. You gotta look beyond the Kardashians of the tech world. :)

I could see Google buying a few thousand units to be dispersed around the world to get in-building pictures to be integrated into Google Maps

Is it just me or do all of these people have dead, zombie eyes?

It's called respect motherfucker. You can disagree with him all you want, but this man lost his son. The pro-gun peeps had their opportunity to speak. Let him have his own time to speak. Decorum is now a foreign world in our society. Very sad.

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. - Benjamin Franklin.

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Just found this. Whole concert in Europe from last Summer. They still have it, that's for sure.

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Just found this. Whole concert in Europe from last Summer. They still have it, that's for sure.

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I prefer their album, Angel Dust, much more.

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I prefer their album, Angel Dust, much more.