I'm hesitant to feel hesitant
I'm hesitant to feel hesitant
You'll get the high-res photo and like it, mister! Now go clean your room.
There will always be a NASA. http://www.nasa.gov/missions/future/index.html
I'm just hoping that they'll be looking for over-the-hill, not-in-shape guys to make the trip. I'd definitely volunteer.
Silos is a little bit of a misnomer. It's more like hierarchy. Sony has a very strong hierarchical reporting system with the top tier being a bunch of old men nearing retirement age, yet hang onto power. Sony needs to get younger. They need all of their very talented engineers and designers to be granted more…
Brats deserves this video as a response
When is this coming battery/solar powered with extendable stands...could use for photography?
I would show them the newest tech in wind, solar and geothermal energy. F fossil fuels.
The one improvement I would like to see is that more icons are seen at the top. They shouldn't be afraid to show two or even three rows of user icons instead of the horrendous ">>" to indicate more icons (i.e. comments) are posted. JMHO.
I'm getting used to it. In fact, I'm starting to like it more. Have you thought that maybe you are human and just adverse to change?
As soon as the idiot says, "You're a genius, right?" I stopped listening. PAINFULL!
Does anyone have a link to the complete opening ceremonies?
This one is 2lbs 3oz and only costs $500 http://www.rei.com/product/827911/big-agnes-fly-creek-2-platinum-tent
Gotta say that Cocaine must have been widespread in Paris in 1900. Cause that's some whack "sports" they had. It's a helluva drug.
Kinda like the same mistake my friend makes in thinking the #1 most popular sport in the world is baseball and refuses to believe soccer is king.
Sorry for the characterization, but do you really feel the need to outspend everyone 10 fold? Do we really, really, really need this bomb? Why not let Iran have nukes? USSR, China, N. Korea, Pakistan, India haven't used them because they know of the consequences. Why would you think Iran would use them? Because…
Whatever guy. America is always right and never wrong. You win. (sarcasm)
Shockwave crashes at least twice per day on Chrome.
Right...so ultimately you believe in the United Nations, a concept and body that I wholly endorse. It was the United Nations that fought in the Korean War and the first Iraq War (Dessert Storm). I wholly support the actions of the UN and wished it had more teeth, but then peeps would get all hysterical re: a New…