
I think you have an overly simplistic point-of-view of the world. Do you listen to a lot of A.M. radio?

Parents should be more mature than their children.

So you would rather have seen Qadaffi reduce Benghazi to rubble. You'd rather see that corrupt regime slaughter it's own people to keep power, even tho the vast majority of people didn't want to be ruled by a tyrant? Sure, the resulting governments that take over in these countries may not be to our liking, but who

I wholly disagree with you. I followed the Egyptian and Libyan uprising very, very closely. I used alternate media along with our media to try to get the whole story. What they did was brave, heroic and filled me with hope. Instead of being wary and stand-off-ish, it would behoove the US to praise them and become

Well...since it's the UK, who knows what their laws says about such things. Plus, the press has certain freedoms.

It saddens me to see all the claims of bias and slanting because this was produced by Al Jazeera. I've followed all types of news agencies and I gotta say that Al Jazeera is right up there with the BBC as far as great reporting. What makes Americans so afraid of a news agency that is not American? Also, ask

You should prolly watch it again since we only see the back of the chairs until the end of the video.

I'm only 6'1" and any flight over 4 hours kills my knees with the minimal legroom there is now. I guess it's ok because it's only Southwest and they are a commuter airline. Thank goodness I'll never suffer a flight to Japan or Europe on one of their planes with this seating configuration.

I've worked at many high-tech trade shows and I've been harping at this forever. Another aspect not addressed in the article is when smart women, who actually work for these companies, are taken for mindless booth babes. This irks me to no end. I've had several very smart women who worked for me, get hit on by the

She's so punk!

Clever trick. Obviously, there is not a place in the world where there are 5 railroad tracks crossing a river within one square kilometer. Clever editing with photoshop. The track IS better than the vid however.

Now playing

Everyone missed the Guilty Dog video on their Youtube year of review:

I love Shawn's shot of the car. Well done, sir!

I used twitter during the Egypt and Libya uprising to get a first hand perspective of the uprising. Needless to say, I follow many people from those regions. Many are up in arms because of this deal. They think the Prince will now be able to suppress one of the strongest tools the commoners had against the

I used to be a truck driver. What the driver did was just steer his cab around the snowplow. I doubt he even knew his trailer was drifting out to the side. Like I said, the only thing that saved those two vehicles is the snow drift on the side of the road.

Nothing masterful about it. The only reason it didn't go into a full jack-knife is because of the snow berm on the side of the road. The truck driver is extremely lucky. He/She was obviously not paying attention and couldn't slow down in time for the stopped snow plow.

No, but cephalopod's do.

I'll start with the "Albert Einstein" card, please.

Looks like those markings in the hallways of hospitals. Used to show to keep a clear path.

Some aspirin (or Ibuprofen) and Vitamin B. I like Neuro Sonic. It clears away the cobwebs. []