
I should have read the comments before posting mine. :)


All my mom needs is a web browser and a Majong app. Will the fire have any games (even if rudimentary)?

I was searching stuff on Alta Vista

a .50 cal mounted to a helicopter can take down a jumbo jet with no problem. Problem is, where do the parts of the jumbo jet land? A missile would be better for smaller pieces. It's all very macabre.

a .50 cal mounted to a helicopter can take down a jumbo jet with no problem. Problem is, where do the parts of the jumbo jet land? A missile would be better for smaller pieces. It's all very macabre.

how come I can give "thumbs up" to some posters and not others?

It will always be cheaper to do USB over Thunderbolt. USB is not a proprietary technology like this is. You don't have to have an Intel chip to have USB in your product. You don't have to pay royalties to Apple and Intel to use USB I/O in your product. It's definitely not surprising that it hasn't taken off.

Don't Dye Me Bro!

I have a feeling that MS Windows could actually slow the speed of light.

Me smells a rat

That's scary just to watch. No ropes! Free climbing?!! My Lord, man...

Definitely not a hipster. Douche, yes. Hipster, no. UNLESS, he was being oh so ironically ironic... :)

I loved that tweet when it was sent. Classic.

OMG! douche

:) +1

Wow, I am not impressed with the negativity in the comments. I think this is cool and is desperately needed for the homeless. I live in "rain country". This would prove priceless for the poor people on the street. Most of the homeless I see are either drug addicts or just plain mentally unstable. For the mentally

Sure...let Apple win it all so that they become even more monopolized, charge more money and in the end become less creative. I do agree, ripping off a competitors product is lazy and immature, but the other side of the coin is less competition and higher prices.

I once had a boar decide that my truck needed to be rammed. He lost.

You can if you have a permit, right?