
Do you think we can do some kind of Groupon thing for tap dancing lessons when he finally dies?

i broke my YEAR LONG STREAK of not listening to this assholes voice for this.... and had the same reaction. WHY DIDN'T ANYONE SAY SOMETHING

Not mine, my parents. Dad home on leave, nobody around to drink with but a neighborhood guy he’s known forever. All night, dude talks about being in love with this girl (who’s engaged), drags dad to girls house in another town. Shitfaced childhood friend introduces them, and immediately pukes near the front door. Hot

My mom’s office had a UPS driver who was a sarcastic pain in the ass. One day she couldn’t find a seat at a popular fried chicken restaurant during a busy lunch hour. The UPS driver was there and offered to let her sit at his table with him, promising not to talk to her. Luckily they did talk, and they’ve been married

Preach.  My mom’s trying, but she’s 80 so it’s rough getting her to understand that drinking at parties isn’t permission for a “boy to try and pull a fast one”.

One of my favorites was very early on when Penny got hooked on online gaming and fell to cheesedust-covered mouth, unwashed haired slothiness. Y’know, the way we gamers sometimes do when a new level is fast approaching so we cannot stop playing. And then Leonard the Knight showed up in the game.

I really like the show and hate to see it go. Also, fyi to the author Sheldon’s humor is often corny, hence the Betty Crocker joke. If you watched the show and knew the characters, the dialog, humor, and story line would make sense.

So sorry the show is not trendy enough for you .... however, it seems ludicrous to offer any critique during the last season when you have never seen ANY previous episodes.  

If you don't watch then shut up let's hope one of your faves goes away

I will sit beside you on the sofa. It hasn’t all been great, and since it’s final season I will see it through — please give Raj a real woman by the end — but it’s time is well done now. Why someone who has never watched it and seemingly already has such hate for it was chosen to write this is one of those Jezebel

Sorry to rain on the parade, but you do realize that it will be on in syndication for the next 100 or so years.

Let’s please oh please take a moment to enjoy one thought: A man can deny to his wife until he’s blue that he cheated, as surely Trump has denied mainly because he thinks he can get away with it, but the moment another woman accurately describes the guy’s junk, and the things he’ll say in bed, all bets are off.

I hope the Secret Service changes his nickname to ‘champignon’. They can tell him it means champion. He won’t know the difference. 

Per Stormy’s description, it’s a small white button champignon.

Might have knicked a ring from her jewelry box and got his mom’s resized. Or he gave her one of his mom’s rings previously, if she had more than one, to “test the waters”, as it were.

Omigod I was so close to ugly-crying watching this. Also, you gotta love that two people nobody knew before last night now will dominate this morning’s conversation about the show.

I think just the sodomy would be enough to keep him in line.  Living the rest of his life with a severely dilated asshole would inspire some humility.  

I take no to little pride in the fact that I would be totally fine with giraffe sodomy and then a bullet to the brain for this guy.

Leopard swipe to the throat is appealing, as is a rhino horn to the ass. Rhino would also be great since he’s also a RINO.

Its kind of astonishing - does he not think that Mueller is reading the news these days and taking notes. Don’t you kind of want the chief investigator a little sympathetic towards you?