My husband and I have watched “The Godfather” and “The Godfather Part 2" 10 gazillion times and regularly make Clemenza’s spaghetti sauce. OTOH, the last MCU film I watched was “Spider Man.” The Toby Maguire version.
My husband and I have watched “The Godfather” and “The Godfather Part 2" 10 gazillion times and regularly make Clemenza’s spaghetti sauce. OTOH, the last MCU film I watched was “Spider Man.” The Toby Maguire version.
Yes, lets mock and make fun of the people who created Apocalypse Now, The Godfather, Taxi Driver, Goodfellas for not liking movies like Ant-Man.
Lawyer here. The fact that police or the district attorney do not charge a thing does not mean such a thing did not occur, nor that they have no evidence whatsoever of such a thing occurring. It means they don’t think they have enough evidence to secure a conviction. Oftentimes this is because the way a statute is…
The Patriots always get pantsed in Florida.
If Savannah sincerely wanted a balanced interview, she should have questioned this kid the same way women and girls have been questioned for their choices, especially by the Catholic Church!
Few things here, if you don’t want people to think you are racist, don’t were a MAGA hat. If you think, oh, that could be my son, you need to raise your children to be better people. And lets not forget, this whole thing happened because a Catholic high school decided to take a bus full of teenage boys to a protest…
I’m so thrilled. She’s my senator. I’m seeing more attacks from Bernie bros than I am from the right.
“Bernie Sanders, fall back. Your year was 2016 and it really wasn’t. Please get away from us.” -Liza Treyger
Her campaign announced within 30 minutes of her announcement she had contributions from all 50 states.
I’d vote for her.
The excerpts I’ve seen, especially the Nick-on-horseback one, gave me the general impression that Mariah Smith is desperately hurt that Nick married someone other than herself.
lol. They held a show for Tiffany Trump? Talk about thirsting after D listers.
The Hill picked it up. It’ll be somewhere on MSNBC by Monday. My money’s on Maddow.
Exactly. I don’t get to leave work at 4pm, so I need a pick me up to get through that home stretch. And planning for it helps me avoid becoming a hunger monster who blindly grasps for any food I can find.
I have always wanted to do this, but no one will go to a cutesy tea house with me.
Oh I can’t wait for the day that Ivanka is indicted and Trump’s response is: “Ivanka was raised by her mother. I barely know her, really. Barely know her. She only worked for me because I did her a favor. She needed a new chin and a larger chest and I paid for it. It’s the best boob job ever done, of course; I have…
I get angrier every day about the billions (might actually be trillions) of tax Euros we pumped into these fucking bastards.
I definitely think of 4pm as teatime, even though I am usually having coffee. My college did afternoon tea every Friday, and I’ve kept it up ever since.