
I’m kinda living for that perp walk, tbh.

And I have never found the ‘report’ button on Instagram quicker. I know it won’t make a difference, but fuck this piece of garbage. Fuck his upbringing as a pussy grabber in the making, fuck all of it. The fact that he has daughters and can say this shit pushes me over the edge.

Oh okay. My idea gives a new meaning to that phrase that you used...slimy asshole.  Sorry, I just grossed myself out there...

Yes, he’s a real pig, digging himself deeper into the muck every day.

No, the best karma would involve one of the trophy animals that he enjoys killing so much.  It’s fine if he survives whatever happens, but I’m thinking a little giraffe sodomy would be solid karma.

I didn’t know it was possible to hate someone more than Trump Sr., and yet I do. 

Maybe next month they'll follow up with an article trying to humanize Jerry Sandusky. I can't believe they published this. 

Man here. Have never worried about my career being destroyed by a rape allegation. Apparently, it’s common for Republicans though.

Yes, especially those O.G. British Actors like Richard Harris, Richard Burton, Robert Shaw, and Christopher Plummer. They all had pretty good track records even if they were a bitch to work with.

It’s cute that her campaign is blaming “extremely high voter turnout” for the loss. So-called progressives seem to favor low turnout almost as much as Republicans do.

It’s so poorly written. I read it six times and was/am STILL confused. 

Just a thought but maybe Cynthia Nixon should try running for a school board, or for a local counsel, or doing some work as a community organizer. If she’s actually serious about, you know, making the world a better place, and not just being powerful and popular. Develop some political experience, see what she

All of this. I don’t get it. 

Because, even though he was great as Don Draper, he’s not very versatile. When you see him in 30 Rock or Kimmy Schmidt, he’s kind of funny, I guess, but more “funny to see him try so hard” than “funny funny”.

I think it’s one of those words that is used more incorrectly than correctly.

Kanye wants his color palate back. 

Same, same, same. The GOP doesn’t even care about what birth control does anymore, they just want to control our bodies. Kavanaugh’s had enough court decisions to show that. It’s nauseating to watch this just unfold before our eyes.

Omigod I need Jared to go to jail so very, very badly, if only for the shot of Ivanka crying on camera about how none of it was her fault. Because like her father, that will be her only stance on everything that happens to these grifting motherfuckers. Not my fault! they all scream as they’re led off the jail. The

Nah, our gal Nance would never wear such bland and blatantly ripped-off designs.

Im sure princess fancypants and prince nincompoop will get to the bottom of it. If they don't get distracted by any shiny objects that is.