
The divorce is guaranteed, but let’s never forget that she’s parroted his bullshit for years. Any attempts to cast her in a favorable light — for the sake of how much she loves her son or otherwise — are also exactly that, bullshit. This is a golddigger who lied about her background and echoed her husband’s lies to

You might also want to sign up for Beto’s data entry and texting teams. People from any state can do it:

I thought my head would explode when Cruz starting talking about Hillary Clinton. During this hearing. Because of course. 

We are really going to hate this week. Also, get ready to march. This is going to get so much worse. 

Did you all miss the part where the demonized, vilified, practically exiled young woman turned out to be an intelligent commentator on the state of politics and feminism today? Or are you still buying the spin being fed to you by the folks currently pillaging Nancy Pelosi (and, until chickens colonize the moon,

That person just wants to be a jerk. Her dress was ridiculous. The reverend — who I otherwise really enjoyed — also was inappropriate. The two issues can be mutually exclusive, but some people are just too dumb to realize that. 

I turned on a TV just as she was finishing and thought, "she must have been impressive as fuck to get the aunties on their feet in that dress."

The problem is, for the low-information voters that make up the majority of the electorate, party affiliation matters far more than any issues, unless something really drastic happens. And things just haven’t gotten bad enough for all the I-got-mine people to start feeling it. Sure, you read about plant closings, and

Hell yeah. So inappropriate. 

That is glorious.

I am unfamiliar with the child who wrote this; The Queen was not wearing a “cap,” at President Obama’s inauguration. Church hats, in Black churches, are called “crowns.” She was wearing a glorious Crown. 

Fantasia’s hat is really chic. It’s one of those excellent iconic late 70s/ early 80s styles due for a revival. But it’s not called a fascinator; that’s a cocktail hat.

Whenever a news site publishes a story about her, it should just always use the “before” picture that you posted.  It would drive her bonkers.

I didn’t say fat, I said big. You know, like we used to call “big-boned”? Because she is tall she was more like a 10/12; I am telling you, samples wouldn’t fit her. And because of her body structure, she couldn’t lose it naturally. Not every girl that tall is naturally that thin. Especially when they didn’t start out

And all the fat she had sucked out of her body. I did a photo shoot with her once. She was a big girl, partly because she’s tall, and samples wouldn’t fit her. We had to improvise like crazy. No way did she drop that weight naturally. Daddy surely paid for that just like he did her breasts, nose, chin and everything

I like you. We share the same troll. I clicked on its comments and found its reply to you. Just here to give you a star, say hello, and add

Ha. That was my thoughts exactly! He’s one of the more established actors in the show IMHO. I would say Snook if definitely the breakout (though she was already on my radar for being insanely excellent in Predestination), or Greg the Egg. 

The audience knows the coat drop is usually her “fuckit, I’mma kill this bitch” moment when you can tell she’s winding up to utterly annihilate whatever song she’s in the middle of.

And now she’s gone and we’re STILL stuck with this toxic trash heap of a “president.” Sob.  

“Guess who just didn’t kill anyone, but maybe only lost a couple of thumbs?” and then doing the clichéd two thumbs “This guy!” joke was a perfect Roman moment.