
I’ve literally been unable to get this episode out of mind since I sat down to watch it 8 hours ago on OnDemand. Joshua Jackson, whom I’ve loved since the Pacey days, just wrecked me. Wrecked me.

Oh yeah fuckkkk those guys. Such a total lack of critical thinking skills, inability to assess the situation at hand, and uncontrolled ego on all their part.

Alas, nuance is not a forté of the ignorant. Black-and-white thinking sure is, though... *sigh*.

They did cause it, in great part... but while I’m angry with them, I have to also acknowledge that it’s more ignorance than stupidity, and the GOP especially (but also some establishment Democrat enablers) have spent a long time sowing tribalism, pointing these people at smaller, easier targets to take their

That’s it. I knew that the hateful base existed, but it infuriates me the complicit middle and especially the sour grapes left allowed this to happen. My response to Susan Sarandon being thrown in jail for protesting the shit she helped cause is “Good”.  She could have done the necessary then helped move the needle in

stupid people caused this

The jerks in my office were talking about this on Friday, moaning and groaning about how “welfare queens” don’t have to work, and how “wouldn’t it be nice it must be” to live off of someone else’s tax dollars. Then it devolved into the cliche stories about how they’ve all TOTALLY seen tons of people with EBT cards

Legal aid lawyer here, and ditto. Investing in public schools, expanding SNAP, single payer healthcare, raising the income limit for social security contributions, more section 8. Vouchers: we have systems in place that, if we just USED them, could eliminate the kind of poverty that I see in my office every day.

This. I’m also generally a cynic and some of my darker views of how terrible people are, that I thought were just my cynicism, were validated by the result of the election. Even in my “liberal elite bubble”, I’m shocked how many of my friends, family members, and colleagues aren’t actually that liberal. I don’t even

I gotta say, the biggest aggravation for me is just . . . how I can’t get through to family and former friends. They think they are losing their homes, and they don’t want to listen when I say that all they’re losing is their privilege. Which they should never have had in the first place.

I’m having a hard time shrugging off the anger.  He’s such an asshole.  It fuels my trip to the gym every morning.

My life as a scientist, in a nutshell.

I don’t fear the world ending, I fear the world being a giant shit pile for poor people and minorities; I fear we won’t be able to escape it without dying.

I’m a lot more angry at the voters who did this than Trump. Trump is just kind of an angry moron. But these stupid motherfuckers that *wanted* him, and gave him the presidency? Fuck them, forever.

Absolutely my experience. Didn’t believe this was possible, didn’t believe enough of us were this downright dumb, have spent 20 months furious at everyone for it. My dad, who’s been drinking more and more Fox News Kool Aid since the turn of the millennium. My girl’s uncle gleefully holding up an Anthony Weiner

my poor liver

Awww, Baron’s just a cute baby there. Wonder which porn star Trump was sleeping with then.

Well, NBC paid her $68 million. So it’s like mistakenly buying the wrong flavor of goldfish crackers. You won’t be happy about it, but you’re still gonna eat those fuckers.

“I was writing about this show and doing research at the same time. We go on Tinder and probably swiped on everybody in Los Angeles. We were not even looking, just swiping. I had 252 matches that night, and 400 the next day. So I was going through them all, and one of them had a really cute message. And I said, ‘Oh,

I have never seen anyone so desperate to be like by absolutely EVERYONE and shit the bed at every turn.