
The evangelicals will blame his wife for not giving herself to him when he needed it.

Alicia Silverstone had what might be the best response to a divorce.

Yeah, I’m not getting the Phantom Thread hate in this ... thread. It’s fantastic.

GTFO. Phantom Thread was dope as hell.

Phantom Thread is wonderful. Go see it!


Never give them an excuse to say we’re behaving worse than they are. Though to be fair, they’ve been shitting on us for more than a year.

Dance party in front of Trump Tower, everybody?

I’m so fucking sick of this corrupt family. Here’s hoping Jr and Jared are next in Mueller’s crosshairs. That would be beautiful. Dance party in front of Trump Tower, everybody?

I’m glad I’m not the only one that thought that.

$15 million in sales were secured on Monday alone after the newspaper ads touting “Trump has arrived” were published.

i loath this woman.

I so fucking can’t wait for the Pretty Pretty Princess Era to be over. Trump Barbie has GOT to go.

I’d take more issue with it, if wasn’t the “christian” administration.

Figure skating judging is incredibly corrupt. This came to the attention of the media in Salt Lake in 2002, when the Canadian pair of Sale and Pelletier were screwed over in favour of a Russian pair, by a French judge. They changed the scoring system afterwards so that no one will ever really know what goes on.

He also doesn’t understand that due process doesn’t have anything to do with the workplace. If you grope butts, you can be fired immediately. (One would hope.) Yes, I know that TV procedurals about crime have a different take. Maybe don’t get your legal knowledge from Olivia Benson?

Dude’s been in financial dealings with the Russian mob since at least when he built Trump Tower in the early ‘80s. I’m at least as sure of this as I’m sure of the fact that a foul-smelling, brown substance frequently oozes from my ass.

Trump’s attorneys would have advised Trump that most of the counsel/investigators that Mueller brought in specialized in financial crimes like money laundering and that was enough to scare the shit out of him; because there has got to be some serious skeletons in his financial history.

Trump really is like a stupid version of Nixon.

A Simple Poem of Anger