
A tally should be done of how many news reports on this story used the term “stormed off” to describe how Lewinsky left the stage. Watch the tape and see if you’d describe it as “storming off.” The phrase has negative connotations rooted in emotion, rather than standing up for something you believe is right and taking

The fuck is wrong with you? Sorry, her dress was inappropriate. Getting groped had nothing to do with what I said. Move on, troll. 

Thank you. All these stories make me worry that we’ll get complacent about the midterms. Complacency gave us Donald Fucking Trump. I feel like as Nov. 6th nears, I just want to go running through the streets, screaming “VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!” at the top of my fucking lungs. Please, for Christ’s sake, we have to change the

But about Ariana’s dress: This first line from a story that just posted on the Houston Chronicle’s site is everything:

Hello back! Best thing to do with a troll is either to laugh at them or ignore them. Either will drive them crazy.

As someone who has watched the show from the beginning, I can’t help but think that maybe Ruth Wilson wanted to leave because, after four seasons, her character was increasingly dour and simply no fun to play. There was no joy in Allison’s life, other than her daughter.

Hope it goes to the Smithsonian now. That seems fitting.

His expression looks like a guy who is too pleased that his female robot finally arrived in the mail. 

I love all these takes that are coming out after the show’s first season has ended. Where were all you guys while each ep was broadcast for the first time, or before the binge-watch I did the weekend of the finale?

I met Joshua Jackson once at an event. He was as nice as you would hope he would be. Diane Kruger is a foolish, foolish woman. 

As someone who has loved Matthew Macfadyen since Pride & Prejudice, and that love was only deeply reinforced during the recent Howard’s End miniseries, I’m not sure I would refer to him as any show’s “breakout star.”

No question the best episode since the first season, maybe the best episode of the entire series. Joshua Jackson killed me. From laughing at moments of their road trip to my hand over my mouth to crying when he loses it in the morgue. An Emmy for Joshua, please? 

France is looking better and better. 

I’m honestly curious about what his residual checks look like. That fucking show is on all the damn time. 

The last time I said people — women and men — are dumb for taking nude selfies, because good gosh people are awful and if they can break into an election they can break into your phone and you’ll never know where those photos will end up, I got pilloried for daring to suggest people can’t do what they like with their

You guys do know you’re just supposed to post one five-word clue, right? 

Yeah, there’s pretty much nothing that’s going to arouse within me any sympathy for Sean Spicer. And honestly, him showing up in the middle of Manhattan to hawk that piece of poorly edited crap just tells me he was waiting for something precisely like this to happen so Fox News will scream about how we were all

The larger issue we have to face, especially with people we love, is that racism is at the heart of their support for him. They’ve disguised it (often barely) in this pro-American attitude they’ve wrapped themselves in like a protective comforter, but honestly, it’s just pro-white, as much as they’d look at you all

I still can’t decide who to be more angry at, Trump voters or those Jill Stein morons. I wonder if there’s ever been a time when a vote was so useless and yet caused so much damage. Assholes, every one of them.

I am surrounded by relatives who voted for him. Every holiday the past two years has erupted into a fight at some point. So I totally get you. I keep waiting for them to wake up; with every hideous action on his part, every clear, blatant lie that erupts from those fat, awful lips, I think, This. This will be the