
Unfortunately it’s a good bet that NBC and/or Mark Burnett’s production company paid for his star, especially if Drumpf was given it around the time a season of The Apprentice was about to premiere. This has just become a marketing tool for studios and publicists more than anything else.

Spoiler: There wasn’t just one. 

I don’t fear the world ending (much); I’m just really, really pissed off all the goddamn time. Because he’s a hateful liar, and stupid people caused this. Very easy to be pissed off about that.

I feel like this looks like Batman’s faux-fur lair. 

I want that bag she’s carrying even though it seems completely impractical for New York. 

Ever get 90 days of pay all at once? The taxes gut it. Fuckers.

When in the ever-loving fuck is this going to be over? It is exhausting to be this pissed off all the goddamn time, and not just at him, but at the idiots who patently refuse to see what a shitshow he is every second of every day. 

I need a story about the logistics, improbable or not, of a 240-story building, which freaks me out on its own and I’d never venture into for any amount of money in the world. Same for the Burj Khalifa and its 163 floors, not happening, thanks.

Also, it’s J. Mendel, once again proof that she couldn’t care less about getting a dress that honors the country she’s visiting. She could’ve done Temperley or Stella McCartney or McQueen, but nope, go for the French guy who’s based in New York.

Sorry, but she screams fashion victim. I have money, look at the money on my back, but the money on my back doesn’t necessarily look good. Also more than a little trying-too-hard. Fashion victim.

I love Fake Melania stories, and I believe roughly half of them. Keep ‘em coming, please.

I live for a scene depicting Trump as an utter asshole while placing his infamous ad, and another scene of his tantrum later when he’s proven wrong and they’re exonerated. Please make it happen, Ava! 

So I should change my mind based on other people’s opinions or popularity? No thanks. 

Right. Keep telling yourself that. It’s adorable. 

Old enough to know that huge stars very often get their own makeup artists and don’t have to share, thanks.

I’m not holding her accountable or responsible. But I find her interview to be disingenuous. That’s it. 

You’re picturing a bunch of crew members standing around a craft services table. An actor or actress sitting for two hours in a hair and makeup chair, however …

Nobody should watch this. Honestly all he cares about is the ratings. Don’t give him the satisfaction. 

She owes me absolutely nothing. Just like I have the right to not believe her. You have a great day! 

I’d say the same thing about any male who said what she said. Gender has absolutely nothing to do with it. A co-star who spent copious amounts of time on set with a predator — who was going after people in lesser positions on that same set — says they heard absolutely nothing about it, even during the hours and hours