
Who said I hold her accountable? I’ve been on plenty of photo-shoot sets. Gossip is valuable currency. It’s naive to think she heard nothing. The position of “I honestly heard nothing” may be convenient for keeping the show moving forward, but it’s not based in reality, sorry. 

This is honestly disappointing. People on a set gossip like crazy. She knew something, at the very least that there were rumors about his behavior. Why not say so? 

Between this and today’s news about opposing the breastfeeding resolution, the pro-lifers need to explain again why everyone shouldn’t think they’re full of hypocritical bullshit.

I worked in one of the two newsrooms Dreher worked in when he was a film critic. Everybody hated this guy. Not because he did crazy shit like this, but because he was a pompous ass. What he’s doing now isn’t the least bit surprising for any of us who had to endure him; he’s merely found his true calling. 

Thanks for proving you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. 

Wouldn’t be a bit surprised. And if a single Dem votes for him, I’m going to want to burn something to the ground.

Who’s really the absolute worst one? Because that’s who he’ll pick. I’d bet every dime I have.

Any and every single Democrat who votes for whatever biblical fuck Trump tries to push through should be voted out. Period. I’m beyond sick of this shit. 

I haven’t been this depressed since the day after the election. Fuck every Bernie Bro, fuck every Jill Stein supporter, hope you all have daughters someday who get accidentally pregnant when they’re 15. Fuck all of you. 

Wow you’re giving them/her way too much credit. I applaud your optimism and kindness, but no. 

Oh, hey, that’s pretty much what I say every time Trump appears on TV, every single day. 

Here’s why: Because these people exult in saying “Fuck You” to all of us. This was her turn at “Fuck You.” They’re not even trying to be good people. She makes Marie Antoinette look like Mother Teresa. 

Given her actions today, I feel it’s time to once again bring up: Melania was a kept woman in New York, by three men, Trump was one of them. Three married men paid for her lifestyle, and her modeling “career” was an utter joke. Trump was the only one dumb enough to marry her. I have a friend, a photographer, who dated

It’s almost 4 am and I’m wide awake. I should work and I don’t. I’m behind on projects. I’m angry all the time. I fucking hate him so, so much.

I’ve used the c word exactly once about a boss I hated, a woman who was just awful and divisive and backstabbing and just a mean, utter bitch. I’m still not sorry about that one.

Yeah, sorry, fuck you, Jimmy. You mussed his hair like he was some kind of scamp, and people laughed and applauded. And you did it for ratings. Fuck you. We all knew what and who King Cheeto was before you did it. You helped him. We aren’t forgetting or forgiving anytime soon.

I wanted to say that “Butter couldn’t melt in this woman’s mouth,” but that’s honestly too good for Nielsen. She stood at that podium and lied, easily and effortlessly. She lied for one reason: to make King Cheeto happy. That was it. You just know he called her in and told her, “Great job!” afterward, and probably

I also need to know how the rules worked with this. I’ve done photo shoots in museums and art galleries, and the people who work there (rightly) flip the fuck out about any lights or flashes being near any paintings. So how did that work in arguably the most famous museum in the world, doing a shot in front of the

Melania worked in the US as a model without the proper visa. Fuck her statement, and fuck her protector, Stephanie Grisham. The hypocrisy spreads like soft butter all over these shitty people.

We are headed to riots in the streets. An overthrow of our government. If we don’t vote in droves in November and fix this, that’s where we are headed. Because this shithead and the sycophants who refuse to stand up to him will never be better than they are in this moment, and in this moment they are vile, criminal