
I hate these shitty people more and more with every passing day. I don’t care if it takes eight fucking years, I will celebrate with so much glee when every last one of these evildoers is gone — hopefully with many of them rotting in jail. Because they deserve nothing less. Looking at you, King Cheeto.

Agreed. I’m trying to be so much better about stopping myself before hitting the tweet button, asking myself if I’m just being petty or if I’m actually putting useful information out into the world. If it’s the former, delete.

Was the building next door Grand Central, by chance? They’ve been filming something there, I’ve been wondering what that was …

I’m going to respectfully disagree for one key reason: This entire administration will lie to us as easily as look at us. They — especially King Cheeto — have lied to us literally every single day since he stole took office. This is just another thing they just want to go out their way to not only not be transparent

Sarah Paulson normally slays, but I cannot get onboard with neon Muppet.

Sarah Paulson normally slays, but I cannot get onboard with neon Muppet.

You leave Rally Goose alone goddammit Rally Goose is all we have in this fucking awful world these days Rally Goose is real and fine and don’t you dare imply otherwise because Jesus I just want to lay down and sob from being so angry all the time Fuck Trump Rally Goose 2020.

Omigosh, I can’t believe someone hadn’t already posted this. What a delicious moment. She despises him. You know he isn’t getting laid anymore, especially with Hope Hicks gone (yeah, you heard me), so hoping he’ll really slip up and make a stupid, public mistake. And maybe that also explains why he was so touchy-feely

Too true.

Can I just say that I HATE what Nicole wore to the ACM Awards? I don’t get how her dress matches her hair, which looks like straw, and her makeup just veers toward goth a bit too much, helped by her otherwise-lovely pale skin. I really like her, but just don’t get this look at all. Nothing works.

Part of me doesn’t want to believe anyone would be so mercenary about kids. Then again, look who snuck into the Oval. Anything is possible.

No one would ever convince me Trump does anything but lie there and make excuses for his micropenis and how quickly it’s (mercifully) all over.

I’ve met her, she’s actually a nice person — or she was, because I met her before she got together with him.

When I was going through my (horrible, very acrimonious) divorce, my dad said the best thing: “Be thankful you didn’t have kids. If you have kids, you’re connected to that person for the rest of your life.” So true, and I am thankful.

Please, all the Trump men are on the bottom and make the women do all the work. We know this is true. Fucking entitled lazy assholes.

He and Vanessa had three kids when this happened. They had two more kids after; can someone explain this to me? I don’t have kids, so it’s impossible for me to wrap my brain around this right now. Aside from the whole, why did you marry such a scummy person in the first place? And I guess if you reconcile, there’s the

Too true; there’s a Saturday Night Live faux commercial in this for sure.

I can see how adoption and insemination scenarios would make these tests both illuminating and dangerous at the same time. There was one aspect of the commercials that always bugged me, though: I often wonder if there’s some underlying racism in their purpose.

I’ve brought up this example more than once in the whole Mia Farrow-Woody Allen-Frank Sinatra-Ronan Farrow drama. Frank and Mia: Blue eyes. Woody: Brown eyes. Ronan: Blue eyes. Ipso Facto: Ronan is Frank’s kid. But someone pointed out Woody could have recessive blue-eyed genes, though sorry, I’m not buying it. Ronan

Ask Tiffany, she almost was one.

“Mesa go to Middle East now to get da monies for 666 Fifth, will punish if dey refusin’, Okeeday?”