
But the babies! THE BABIES!!!!

I fucking loathe these people so much.

We all thought Fergie was quirky and wonderful, but that never went down well with Lizzie, plus didn’t Fergie spend too much money for the family’s taste? This was eons before people were willing to throw clothes at you for free, of course, in exchange for an Insta mention or having it immediately sell out online.

I got up at 4 am to watch Diana marry Charles and would have gone after Andrew before he married Fergie if I thought I even had the remotest chance. Alert the biographers!

I am completely OK with this because peonies are beautiful while also being wonderfully fragrant, which is the perfect combination of all flowers.

Let’s not forget implying to Marla that she should get an abortion when she told him she was pregnant with Tiffany; the evangelical crowd always conveniently forgets that as well:

This is so, so true. They are thoroughly unable to defend him, so they either pivot to Hillary Clinton or they shut down the conversation. They can’t defend their asshat of a candidate on his own merits, because he possesses none.

I thought he was, honestly, and after your question checked IMDb to see I’m mistaken. But I would swear I’ve seen a photo of him on the new set, plus all the publicity about bringing back all of the original cast.

Every time Drumpf appears on TV, I automatically change the channel. No hesitation. I’d also stick needles in my eyes before I’d watch Fox News. That orange gasbag has ruined every holiday for the last two years, he and Roseanne can both kiss my ass if they think I’m giving them any more of my free time.

If you follow Tom Arnold on Twitter, he’s also a major asshole, another reason to say no, thanks, to this show.

I’m not watching this show, because the last thing I need in my stressed-out, when-will-someone-put-him-in-a-fucking-orange-jumpsuit-already world is a show that basically mimics my relationship with my Trump-voting mother. But thanks, Roseanne!

That’s kind of like saying you’re the best house on a bad block.

In that “interview” during the Oscars, which never happened, she also comes across as a little bitchy and gossipy. De Havilland was insulted by that.

He essentially turned her character into a foil for the two main characters, someone who takes sides between Bette Davis and Joan Crawford, and de Havilland is saying that never happened, and that she was more professional than that. She views it as an issue of her integrity and her legacy. Which is understandable.

Jesus, the American Lung Association needs to turn this into an ad campaign:

How do you figure?

I have relatives who will call me a “New York liberal” with such disdain and then in the same breath talk about how lovely and poised Ivanka is — you know, the woman whose Democrat status prevented her from voting in her father’s primary, but who also had to be bullied by her own employees into implementing a decent

Kushner is hated almost as much as his father-in-law in this city. I could not love more how residents in Trump buildings want his name taken off of them, and at least one building’s residents have succeeded. And every chance I get, I quote this stat: Only 1 in 9 New Yorkers voted for Trump. Why? BECAUSE WE KNOW HIM.

Lol, I was waiting for someone to jump in with this hot take. Sorry, but New York is still fucking awesome. Not a shithole; actually the safest big city on the planet. Rents suck and landlords suck, but I’d still never live anyplace else. You have a great day!

I wasn’t the activist that I shouldn’t have been, and as mentioned elsewhere here in this thread, watched as my building went through three owners in 10 years. During that time, I negotiated (hard) rent increases that I thought I could afford. The last one, however, because I did not do my homework, took me outside