
I’m a renter in New York for almost two decades, and oh my fucking Christ this pisses me off. I mean, we knew already that he was corrupt as shit, but reading the proof of that doesn’t make it any easier.

FYI, this is supposed to show a tweet from Junior that proves (again) that he’s just a crappy human being, but of course Kinja doesn’t want to cooperate right now. (Nope, still won’t show it, thanks Kinja!)

I worked with her when she was a model. She is indeed a brunette. And was quite lovely. This stark transformation to blonde is mystifying. If she did it because he demanded it, then it’s just another thing that makes him a shitty person.

Exhibit A:

All these people tonight who are all, “Think of the children! Don’t be mean! Think of the children!” I know we’re supposed to go high when they go low, blah blah blah, but come ON. This fucking entitled, animal-murdering douchebag has been AWFUL for a really fucking long time, and for all we know, his awfulness is the

As mentioned, she used to be a model, and I actually worked with her a few times. She was really lovely and sweet and smart. It never ceases to amaze me that she paired up with that piece of crap. He has ALWAYS been a douchebag.

I find it wonderfully comforting when my dog decides she must stretch out against my legs — but somehow in the middle of the night she also has overtaken most of the center of the bed, and I’m inches away from falling off the side. She is not a big dog, but her ability to spread herself out is quite impressive. Still,

Remember that they’ve also had a deal that they’ve never shared the same bathroom.

Her attorney has already said we shouldn’t be paying attention to the word “paternity” in the NDA, that it’s just part of boilerplate language. He did NOT say the same about photos or video, however …

How awful for her that maybe she didn’t want to have sex as much with that gross orange gasbag in the last trimester of her pregnancy. That’s surely how he justified it. I loathe him so much.

This is so true, sadly. I have one particular Trump-voting relative (among many, holidays are fun!), and for her it’s all about the babies. The unborn babies. And the biggest fight we have had in the midst of this is when she passionately hung onto the belief that Hillary said abortions at 9 months were OK. I’m

His base is the lowest-common denominator. His base will think this is awesome. His base thinks this makes him look like a stud. And the evangelicals who comprise his other supporters will look the other way like the hypocrites they already are about so many, many other things.

Elisabeth Moss always wears these pale colors that fight with her skintone. It’s maddening.

First paragraph: “than men,” not “then men.” Please fix.

I was in Duane Reade earlier this week, and this guy was standing in front of one of the frozen cases, door open, and was just coughing away. A wet, gross cough. Not even trying to put his hand over his mouth. I was so grossed out, didn’t get half the stuff I wanted, had to leave. I mean, what in the actual fuck?!?!?!

OK, but these days you have to admit that one never knows what someone might imply on a comment board. Just trying to clarify. Apologies if it seems I assumed.

Yeah, but there’s a world of difference between a planned bit written into a sitcom and a person you’ve maybe never met before just reaching out and grabbing your breast — on live TV. And he sees no problem with that, regardless of his sexual orientation. It’s fucking obnoxious and he should have apologized.

That was Isaac Mizrahi, who is obnoxious most every day, but yeah, the idea of “I’m gay so it’s OK that I grope you because it doesn’t really mean anything and aren’t I funny?” is a category unto itself.

On another note: Let’s all rejoice on Sunday night when all we want to do is sit on our couches with a glass of wine and check out what all the ladies are wearing, but we won’t be able to because so many of them will refuse to stop by Seacrest, who always sucked in asking about the fashion anyway.

On another note: Let’s all rejoice on Sunday night when all we want to do is sit on our couches with a glass of wine and check out what all the ladies are wearing, but we won’t be able to because so many of them will refuse to stop by Seacrest, who always sucked in asking about the fashion anyway.