
Translation: ABC gave her a small percentage of American Idol to STFU and stop complaining about another co-host’s divided interests, and now she’s gonna fly the flag no matter what.

So basically, it’s no longer permissible to ask who you’re wearing on the red carpet, and Ryan Seacrest, who always sucked at asking that anyway, now will make it next to impossible to see most arrivals anyway. Won’t Sunday be fun?

Thank you. I loved it.

Disagree. It was wonderful, and JLaw isn’t fit to lick DDL’s boots.

They’ve said he’s going to do the red carpet. I think it’s a bad decision. Also because he sucks on the red carpet and long before #TimesUp and #MeToo was terrible about asking about the fashion. It’s OK to ask about the fashion, right? Why is that so awful? I plan on going off on Twitter on Sunday about this a little

Oh, for fuck’s sake.

A TV writer pointed out on Twitter today that she approached him a while back and pitched him on doing a show with her as the star. That tells us everything we need to know: She’s in this for the fame. That’s it. This is her ticket to notoriety, and she doesn’t mind selling her soul to do it. Someone should offer her

I’m right there with you. The hypocrisy of anything coming from the right on an almost hourly basis gets me to the point of rage stroke almost every freaking day.

I’m actually sort of surprised that on Jezebel, of all places, people are OK with the slut-shaming implications of naming Hope Hicks.

An X-ray machine at JFK once carved a lovely scratch into the front of a brand-new Prada bag of mine, while a TSA agent once carelessly pulled on my Chanel carry-on and pulled part of a leather tab clean off. So yeah, I am not side-eyeing this woman at all. TSA: why we can’t have nice things.

At least that orange scumbag is number one at something.

I like ‘em — though I agree with others here that the artist who did Michelle’s painting didn’t capture her eyes quite right. Still, love the modernity of them — but what else did you expect from this wonderful, modern couple?

He is just awful in every possible way. I honestly never thought I would hate someone THIS MUCH in my lifetime. But here we are. Fuck.

Can some legal scholar weigh in on the reality of a class-action suit against this raging orange asshole? Because Jesus Christ I am sick and tired of being angry all the time. There’s got to be some basis for suing him at this point, not only for collective stress, but also for shirking his duties, thumbing his nose

The only way Melania’s stock is going to go up in my mind will be if these latest moves — which also include, if you believe some of the British tabloids, that she’s staying in a DC hotel and not the White House — mean that she is indeed leaving him. Come on, Melania: You’ve got your child, you’ve put in your 10+

He should be thrown out of office for that climate change answer alone. Such a fucking idiot.

Ugh, did they film that video at Oheka Castle? Omigod, they totally did. Lame.

If this shithole of a presidency has taught us anything, it is this: Real-estate developers are fucking dicey people. Exhibit #2: Jared Kushner and his grifter family. There’s a reason Ivanka married a guy just like Daddy. Because he’s just as sketchy about money and business as her father, so there’s no need to hide

I would like to float the theory that Trump got wind of the fact that Mueller had his tax returns, and it freaked him out. I pray those things smell like month-old cheese left on the roof of his gaudy Vegas hotel in the middle of July. Because then he’s just fucking DONE. Finally.

She’s fictional — or his cousin — so it doesn’t matter.