
I hope his “hot Eastern European wife” is fucking his best friend.

That Trump doesn’t have dementia as everyone likes to speculate, that he’s really just an idiot and an asshole.

And how much does he sound like Trump saying this?

I’ve spoken with Ms. Richards twice, and of course have seen her speak on TV many times. She is extremely smart and articulate and funny and on point and unafraid and quite simply outstanding. She is also the daughter of a Texas governor who was BELOVED.

This shithead retweeted a tweet of mine that was anti-Trump, for the sole purpose of getting his minions to come after me. And they did, for roughly 24 hours. It was horrible. I hope he gets syphilis.

And thanks for the spoiler, says everyone who hasn’t seen the show but was planning to catch up since it keeps winning all the awards.

The irony of the above photo is just too much. No puppy, no matter how adorable, will ever erase thoughts of how gross and rapey Matt Lauer is and has been for years. Consider all the hideous things he already had done when he stood on this red carpet, his wife at his side and holding a freaking cute puppy. He makes

If you’re anywhere near Trump’s orbit and you’re not recording every single word he utters from those flabby lips on your phone, then you’re an idiot. If only to protect yourself later, because as we’ve seen countless times, he’ll call you a liar the second he’s cornered. But also, look at the monster success of

The divorce papers were signed. This is treated as fact by many people in their circle in New York. I heard this several times from people with no connection to each other. She was out the door — who knows, maybe because the Stormy Daniels shit/payoff hitting the fan was just the final straw? — and then, contrary to

I’m sorry I wasn’t. Glad I could make you feel not alone, though, in knowing it was the right thing to do at the time.

Good advice. See the link I posted elsewhere in this thread.

You’re absolutely right. But in my particular case, not an issue:

Did you do the same? I got a little side-eye from one friend when I told her, but screw that. With a boss like that, protect yourself first, as long as you’re not breaking any laws, because she would have stabbed me in the back as easily as she would look at me.

No, it was New York and publishing. And someday I hope she finds out (I told a few trusted co-workers after I left, knowing NY is one-party consent and I wasn’t breaking any laws), because I enjoy the idea that she would wonder just how many of her lies and how much of her bullshit I (still) have on tape.

Michael Wolff didn’t carry a tape recorder; he used the recorder app on his phone. That’s why Trump & Co. were dumb enough to never realize just how much of their idiocy he was capturing. Now they have, hence the no-iPhone policy.

Wall decorations? The mind reels. Are parents naming their kids Sconce? Tapestry?

If one person even tries to say, Oh, haha, you guys just don’t get it, this is part of his grand plan, he knows he’s riling you guys up when he does this, I swear to fucking god I will clock them. I’m so sick of this bullshit.

Of course she named her. But you don’t let your fact-checker do your dirty work for you. That’s a pretty shitty way to operate. She owed Donegan another email, to both let her know she was moving forward with naming her and giving her a chance to respond, before the fact-checker got in touch. And I’m not saying it was

Yeah, this struck me as well. Either Roiphe is a coward who couldn’t ask the hard questions, or she went ahead and wrote it after Donegan’s refusal to participate, and let her fact-checker do her dirty work.

Oh, yeah, all the time. The floorplans, my gosh, the floorplans. I have one sitting on my desktop as we speak, a duplex penthouse on Lafayette Street. So gorgeous.